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Book 3 Journal Entry 4

Book 3 Journal Entry 4

Journal Entry 4

I learned a great deal during my shooting lesson. It was a tremendous amount of fun and a remarkable experience. Target practice did not go well. Guns are heavy, much heavier than I imagined. I have no strength in my arms or my hands. I couldn’t hold the barrel of the gun straight ahead. The nose of the gun kept pointing toward the ground no matter how hard I tried to point it straight ahead. Please place all future targets or enemies directly in front of my feet. This is where the bullet is most likely to land.

Firing the gun without Joshua’s help was useless and a bit dangerous. Joshua has the patience of a saint. I now understand how people accidentally shoot themselves in the foot. I never came close to the target I was trying to hit unless Joshua was helping. The kick of the gun nearly knocked me over. The only thing that kept me from falling was Joshua standing directly behind me.

I’m thinking becoming a hired gun would be a waste of my time. Especially since, I am unable to hit the closest of targets.

Book 3 Journal Entry 3

Book 3 Journal Entry 3

journal Entry 3

I had a long talk with Kate today. I think she needs a friend, someone to listen to her vent her troubles. I’m willing to lend an ear. I have been where she is and it’s not a happy place to be.

We planted the garden. The endeavor took six people and a couple of long days to complete. My back is killing me from stooping over. I hope that in a few months our table will overflow with fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep your fingers crossed there is plenty of sun and rain. I think we planted tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, green beans, peas, corn, potatoes, yam, onions, a half a dozen spices I can’t pronounce, and some other things I can’t remember at this moment.

I’m waiting for Joshua to return from his cattle drive. The boys moved the cattle to the recently built fenced enclosure. It’s safer than their current location. There aren’t many cattle left we don’t need any more dying or stolen. It will take years to build up their numbers. The days of feasting on steaks are over.

Joshua is supposed to give me shooting lesson after dinner tonight. He insists everyone learn how to shoot. I’m excited and a little nervous. I have never held a gun in my hands.

Book 3 Journal Entry 2

Book 3 Journal Entry 2

Journal Entry 2

Hemy, Cecelia and I ran into Tony and a few of his new friends today as we walked to town. They saved our lives. The three of us (Hemy, Cecelia and me) were walking to the plaza to pick up more supplies for the never-ending building projects at the Spurs Fort. To make our journey a little more exciting we started playing a game to see how many specific gangs we could name. We were talking, laughing and pointing out the truly odd that lived among us. We turned the corner at the Comp USA building and ran into the Hyenas.

The moment I saw their black Mohawks and bright red shirts my heart skipped a beat. We were in deep doo-doo. Cecelia and I both said “shit” at the same time. Hemy, said a much longer string of dirty words. The three of us turned and ran in the opposite direction. The Hyenas cut us off after three steps. Our only option was to fight and pray we were strong enough to escape. We were outnumbered, our chance of survival was doubtful. That is until Tony and a group of his friends appeared on the scene to help us out. The Hyenas turned and ran away the moment they were outnumbered.

The Hyenas were one of the first gangs I have ever feared. The Hyenas have always been mean, cruel, and brutal. Traveling alone and unarmed in their territory is not wise. The Hyenas have always hunted in packs and kill their prey slowly for the fun of it.

Tony and his friends left as quickly as they arrived. I tried to say thank you but Tony ignored me. Hemy and Cecelia received a nod of “you’re welcome”. I got nothing but a horrible cold shoulder.


Book 3, Journal Entry 1

Book 3, Journal Entry 1

Journal Entry 1

It took a couple of months but finally the first of the bunkhouses are finished. It took a little juggling but I think we have nearly everyone settled into comfortable accommodations. The days of sleeping in the main house on the floor are over. Everyone chose his or her own roommate or mates. This made bunkhouse assignments easier because friends moved in with friends. I hope everyone gets along and feuds are minimal until we get the rest of the bunkhouses built. I gave up my private room in the main house and moved into Joshua’s I spend most of my nights there anyway.

I asked Hemy and Kate if they wanted to go to the plaza. Joshua gave me a mission to find a couple boxes of long penny nails. Hemy jumped at the chance to go shopping. Going shopping didn’t interest Kate. Poor Kate, she is not herself. I asked Joshua to speak to her. He said he would but he thought Kate just needed to work things out for herself. Joshua thinks I worry too much about the little things. I hope he is right.


Book 2 Journal Entry 50

Book 2 Journal Entry 50

Journal 50

After a moment of prodding by me, Tony ran after Pete. I finished off Tony’s eggs. It was an hour before the two of them returned to Bear Country. I was sitting at the top of the stairs with Hemy, Gretchen and Cecelia. The four of us were discussing babies. Gretchen and Cecelia have the cutest tummies. It is possible to feel their babies move. Marty was out looking for baby furniture. He is the most adorable father to be.

Tony and Pete went straight to the weight room. I hung outside the weight room doors for about 10 minutes trying to listen to their conversation. Unfortunately, the doors are thick and hard to hear through. I gave up trying to listen after Hemy drug me away from the door. Hemy said I was snooping. For the record, I’m supposed to snoop it’s my job. If I don’t snoop, I can’t write down what happens around here. It was lunch before Pete and Tony finally came out of the weight room. They must have been working out hard. Tony and Pete were both drenched in sweat. I offered to make both lunches. I suggested they both shower first. The heat and the stink were radiating off both.

Book 2 Journal Entry 49

Book 2 Journal Entry 49

Journal 49

I couldn’t sleep so I woke up early to start my day. I ran into Lisa as I was going to the showers. I don’t think she was expecting anyone else to be up that early, especially not me.

Lisa was not happy to see me. When I arrived in the bathroom, Lisa was standing in front of the mirror examining a large bruise on her left arm. Without asking, I knew it was Tyson. Lisa tried quickly to put on her shirt so I couldn’t see the bruises. I confronted Lisa about Tyson and his violent behavior. She told me to mind my own business. I tried to make her listen to reason. In her anger, she pushed me against one of the sinks. My tailbone hit the waterspout on the sink. I banged my head on the mirror and broke it. I also put a nice little cut on the back of my head. I didn’t realize the cut was there until I jumped into the shower and started washing my hair.

After my shower, I went down to the food stores to see if I could find something for breakfast. Tony was already up cooking eggs. They smelled so good. It’s not easy to find eggs in the marketplace.

Not a lot of people have chickens. Getting eggs usually requires knowing someone that has chickens and usually you must be good friends with this person. Tony was a little surprised to see me. I hobbled into the kitchen on my sore foot and bandages around my head. Tony said it looked like I had just returned from war.

Tony rescued me and helped me sit down at a table. Sitting was a challenge I think I bruised my tailbone on the sink faucet.

I started to tell Tony what happened in the bathroom when Sheriff Pete walked in on our conversation. He heard me mention Lisa and the bruises on her arm. He ran out as quickly as he entered.

Book 2 Journal Entry 48

Book 2 Journal Entry 48

Journal 48

If what I heard is true, then Aloysius is truly magnificent. I think this is probably not the case. I doubt Aloysius is everything his/her followers claim. I am not sure why people look towards religion to fix the problems of the day. If we are going to get back what we had before the virus it is going to take determination and cooperation from all. I guess in a small way I wish there was a person out there that really knew how to fix all of our problems. He or she would put life back to the way it was before the virus destroyed everything that was good.

I’m the only person that can fix or improve my situation. I can ask for the help of my friends and my friends can ask for my help. Profits are only out to improve their situation. There is always some hidden agenda. There are good gangs and there are bad gangs. I have seen more bad than good. The strong usually prey upon the weak. I am afraid that this is the way life will continue to be for a long time coming. I think our struggles are only the beginning. The strong will continue to get stronger, and the weak will continue to look toward the strong for a quick fix to their problems.

We can rebuild society. It is going to take time. Along the way there is going to be obstacle after obstacle. I can think of about a dozen people who have proclaimed themselves profits. None of these people were real. They played on the weakness and needs of others to improve their standing in society. Ultimate power over the masses was usually the goal.

I saw Lisa and Tyson at the Aloysius rally. They were hugging and kissing. I guess she forgave him. What a shame. I wish I knew what kind of hold he has on her. Sheriff Pete will not be happy. Lisa’s happiness and welfare are important to him.

Book 2 Journal Entry 47

Book 2 Journal Entry 47

Journal 47

Matt, Hemy, Tony and I spent several hours at the park today. It was nice. We packed lunch, the game trouble, and a football. Hemy and I beat the boys in 3 out of four games of trouble. It wasn’t Matt or Tony’s day to roll a six. Hemy and I kept throwing sixes repeatedly. Hemy and I would have two of our game pieces home before Tony or Matt even made it out of the starting gate.

Tony and Matt decided to toss the football around after losing three consecutive games of trouble in a row. Hemy and I weren’t interested in playing. We decided to lie under a tree and talk. We were having a nice conversation when suddenly the air filled with music. Hemy in all her wisdom asked if today Sunday was. We discussed the matter and concluded that today was not Sunday but some other day of the week. Neither of us was sure which one. We followed the sound of the music and discovered we were not alone in the park. A group of about 50 followers of Aloysius was also in the park.

Curiosity was killing me. I had to know what was up with this Aloysius person. I persuaded Matt, Hemy and Tony to walk with me to the other side of the park and listen to the words of Aloysius. I was hoping to be inspired. We didn’t get to see Aloysius, but we did get to see about half a dozen people talk about the great Aloysius and all of his good deeds.

Book 2 Journal Entry 46

Book 2 Journal Entry 46

Journal 46

We sometimes learn lessons the hard way. Lisa locked herself in her room. She won’t let me in, and she won’t come out.

The evening started out very mellow. I was spending a little time outside. The night sky was clear. It hadn’t been clear since before the meteors and the earthquakes. It was a beautiful quiet evening. Everyone had gone out for the night.

I was sitting on the front steps of the school with my foot propped up on a pillow. I was watching the stars and enjoying the night air. I was at peace.

My peace ended abruptly as Sheriff Pete and a couple of his deputies threw Lisa’s boyfriend out the front doors of the school and down the stairs. The next few moments are somewhat of a blur. I was trying to recover from having my foot stepped on by Tyson. He stepped on my foot after Pete tried to shove him further down the stairs.

Lisa was crying at the top of the stairs begging Pete and Tyson to stop fighting. Lisa’s hair was a mess and cake covered her shirt. Pete wasn’t going to stop fighting with Tyson until he agreed not to return to Bear Country. Tyson wasn’t going to leave until Lisa agreed to leave with him. The next few moments were a bit intense. I thought Lisa would choose to leave but she didn’t. Tyson left but not before telling Lisa, she was worthless.