Book 3 Journal Entry 2

Book 3 Journal Entry 2

Journal Entry 2

Hemy, Cecelia and I ran into Tony and a few of his new friends today as we walked to town. They saved our lives. The three of us (Hemy, Cecelia and me) were walking to the plaza to pick up more supplies for the never-ending building projects at the Spurs Fort. To make our journey a little more exciting we started playing a game to see how many specific gangs we could name. We were talking, laughing and pointing out the truly odd that lived among us. We turned the corner at the Comp USA building and ran into the Hyenas.

The moment I saw their black Mohawks and bright red shirts my heart skipped a beat. We were in deep doo-doo. Cecelia and I both said “shit” at the same time. Hemy, said a much longer string of dirty words. The three of us turned and ran in the opposite direction. The Hyenas cut us off after three steps. Our only option was to fight and pray we were strong enough to escape. We were outnumbered, our chance of survival was doubtful. That is until Tony and a group of his friends appeared on the scene to help us out. The Hyenas turned and ran away the moment they were outnumbered.

The Hyenas were one of the first gangs I have ever feared. The Hyenas have always been mean, cruel, and brutal. Traveling alone and unarmed in their territory is not wise. The Hyenas have always hunted in packs and kill their prey slowly for the fun of it.

Tony and his friends left as quickly as they arrived. I tried to say thank you but Tony ignored me. Hemy and Cecelia received a nod of “you’re welcome”. I got nothing but a horrible cold shoulder.


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