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Book 1 Journal Entry 68

Book 1 Journal Entry 68

Journal 68

The storm continues. Water is seeping in around the doors. There is an ocean outside the front door of Bear Country. If the rain continues for much longer, we are going to have to start moving people up to the second floor of the school. I dread the clean up. The same thing happened during the last storm. We probably should think about building a wall to hold back the water once everything dries out.

People are getting restless. Everyone is getting bored with games. Our guest booed Lisa and her band the last time they set up to play. The trouble with boredom is that people start looking for other things to do to keep themselves entertained. This usually results in trouble, especially among the younger children. I am trying my best to remain calm but after a while, you start to wish the guest staying in your home would leave and never come back.

There really isn’t a lot to tell, no invasions, no mysteries to solve, and no horrible crimes to report.  There is just a bunch of people laying around, twiddling their thumbs. Tony and Runt are in the basement building something. I think it’s some electronic gadget.

Sheriff Pete and his deputies are keeping the peace. I actually think they are the only people currently doing anything productive. Joshua and his gang are keeping quiet in the band room. I haven’t seen much of any of them. Lost is in heaven. She loves children. The younger children are keeping her entertained and she is keeping them entertained. The Library Trio has retreated to the media center. I think they have had enough interaction with our visitors. Jonas, where is Jonas? I have my suspicions. He is probably or rather most certainly in the company of a girl. Emily is currently watching Aleece while I write in this journal.

Book 1 Journal Entry 67

Book 1 Journal Entry 67

Journal 67

It’s still raining, storming. It has not been a good morning. I went to wash up and as I was walking down the hall, I heard wind and rain. At first, I thought a window had broken in one of the classrooms in the night. I wasn’t watching the floor; I stepped into a puddle and fell onto my butt. After regaining my dignity and looking around to see if anyone had seen me fall, I stood up and opened the door to the classroom. The windows weren’t broken. Someone had opened all the windows to let in the rain. Rain was pouring into the room and debris from the wind was everywhere. The room was a disaster. I closed the windows and stomped out to the pavilion where half of the guests staying in Bear Country were sleeping. I hadn’t slept well during the night. I was pissed. I was cold and wet from the rain. My tailbone was sore. I yelled at the top of my lungs. Who opened the windows? People probably thought I was insane. A bunch of sleepy eyes stared up at me. No one said anything but as I scanned the crowd, a couple of gang members from the geckos (green lizards or whatever) were laughing. I wasn’t amused. I told them to get out. They begged me not to throw them into the storm, so I had Sheriff Pete lock them in one of the utility closets. I’ll let them out later.

I knew it would happen. People are hungry and those who don’t have food are stealing from those who do. Pete and his deputies have been breaking up fights all morning. I don’t know how long this storm is going to last. We have all been hungry. It’s not a feeling I like. To help keep the peace and to keep the little ones from starving I have asked volunteers to cook up some potatoes. We have a surplus of potatoes. We also have dried pinto beans, but these take all day to cook. I hate pinto beans, but I think none of our guests is going to complain. It’s all Bear Country can spare.

Book 1 Journal Entry 66

Book 1 Journal Entry 66

Journal 66

Most of Bear Country is asleep except for the few people left playing spades. Tony stopped by to see how Aleece and I were doing. It was so sweet. He reminded me to stay away from the windows and to keep a blanket spread out over the top of Aleece’s cradle in case a window breaks and junk flies through the air. I’m wishing I could sleep. The storm continues to build in intensity. I hate it when there is a lightning strike, and the thunder feels as if it is directly overhead. Every time it thunders, my eyes open wide. I actually like the rain, but I hate storms. I keep telling myself to ignore it but it’s not helping. The storm doesn’t bother Aleece. She has been sleeping soundly for a couple of hours. It must be nice to be a baby with no worries.

Earlier in the evening, it started to hail outside. Some of the younger kids went out to grab some hailstones and just about the time, they got out to the center of the yard it started to hail bigger stones. They came back in with some nice size lumps on their heads. No one was injured too badly even those hailstones were the size of large marbles. I don’t know why they went out to the center of the yard when I am sure there were hailstones closer to the building. I hope this was a lesson learned.

Tony and Jonas have been placing oil lamps around the school so that people can see where they are going in night. It would be a tragedy if something bad happened and people didn’t know how to get out of the building. Then again, if you can’t see where you are going in the dark, you can’t get into trouble.

Things are going well considering the number of people that are currently inside this school. It has not been a bad evening. There were a couple of disputes between gangs, but those problems were easily settled once Sheriff Pete and his deputies told the people involved that they would have to leave if they didn’t make peace.

Book 1 Journal Entry 65

Book 1 Journal Entry 65

Journal 65

Sheriff Pete said that if he has to break up another dispute between rival gangs, he and his deputies are going to start throwing people out into the storm. Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia set out games in the pavilion to help keep people occupied and their minds off the storm. I believe they have tournaments going in Checkers, Spades, Boggle and Yahtze. So far, everyone is playing nicely. The Library Trio thought of putting up the dartboard but reconsidered. People throw darts at others when angry. We made that mistake during the last storm.

Lisa and a few other musicians have put together a sing along near the cafeteria. I just heard a lovely rendition of “Koom by Yah” (I have no idea how to spell that). For a few moments, I could picture about thirty flower children swaying back and forth.

All the muscle boys are in the gym. Sheriff Pete had to put a couple of deputies down there to keep things under control. These people are always having arguments. It’s somewhat funny but if an argument does break out, Pete’s deputies aren’t going to be able to help much. I have seen all of Pete’s deputies and none of them has much muscle. We threatened to throw people out into the storm that don’t keep their tempers in check.

The storm continues to rage outside. It doesn’t look like it is letting up any. Emily has been watching Aleece for me so that I can keep an eye on things inside Bear Country. I think she likes playing mom and Aleece seems to like her. I told Emily that Aleece wasn’t mine and that I was taking care of her while her mom Casey was gone.  She didn’t seem to mind that I lied before.

Book 1 Journal Entry 64

Book 1 Journal Entry 64

Journal 64

Wind and rain. It’s been like this all day. The wind has begun to toss things around. Occasionally I see things blow by my window. Sheriff Pete said people have begun to arrive in Bear Country. He and his deputies are putting people in the spare classrooms. No one likes storms. I don’t like storms. They have always frightened me.

Matt and Hemy left for Central a little while ago. It’s a long walk when the weather is bad. They are going to sit through the storm there. I tried to convince them to stay here but Hemy feels as if she needs to be with her gang in a time like this. It actually makes sense because she is their leader. However, the weather is so awful they are going to be soaked to the bone by the time they get there.

Joshua brought most of his gang members here. They are taking up residence in the band room.

Tony said the news from the west is bad. He has been talking to people in Sandersville and a couple of other places over the ham radio. The storm coming our way is deadly. I moved Aleece and I into one of the inner classrooms where there aren’t any windows. With any luck, the storm moving our way will die down and only last a little longer.

Jonas and Lisa are on kitchen detail. I don’t want the other gangs raiding our food stores. I don’t mind sharing, but I would prefer that those gangs that are temporarily staying in Bear Country eat their own food before they decide to eat ours.

Book 1 Journal Entry 63

Book 1 Journal Entry 63

Journal 63

It’s a cloudy day and the temperature has significantly dropped since yesterday. I hate cloudy days. Joshua just left. He dropped by to apologize and to let me know there haven’t been any more raids on his cattle. He is worried about the weather. The cattle will be moved to a safer location. He was in a rush.

Emily dropped by my room to see Aleece. I think she wants to be my friend. I would like to be hers, although I have already started our relationship with a lie. I have been trying to figure out the best way to tell her that Aleece isn’t mine without sounding childish. The day at the park, I was pretending Aleece was mine because I honestly didn’t think I would ever see Emily again. I thought our meeting was just something that happened. Remember how I said that “Lost” barked at Father. She doesn’t bark at Emily. I think “Lost” likes her.

The wind is picking up. It looks so gloomy outside. I hate bad weather. This building serves as a storm shelter. People around Bear Country know to come here if things get very bad. I hope that opening our doors to the local gangs isn’t necessary because the last time we had a bad storm lasted for several days. People get cranky when they become confined, and food always becomes an issue because no one remembers to bring any. The residents of Bear Country begin to get cranky and irritable when the guests don’t follow the rules.

Book 1 Journal Entry 62

Book 1 Journal Entry 62

Journal 62

It must be an awful feeling to feel like you don’t belong. Emily is trying to settle in to her room. She looks sad and lonely. I heard from a credible source today that not everyone from The Heroes of the Earth community have left Bear Country. I spotted a couple of their members snooping around town. I have a feeling they are looking for Emily. I told her it would be a good idea if she stayed indoors until her community was completely gone. Emily agreed and she has decided to change her hair color so that she doesn’t stand out in the crowd. Emily still hasn’t revealed her reason for wanting to leave. I’m somewhat curious but don’t want to invade her privacy.

I have seen more kissing couples than I need to see in any one day. Couples are everywhere. People were making out in the admin hallway, the gym, the theater, and the teachers’ lounge. Frankly, it is annoying. I have nothing against kissing, but I wish everyone would get a room. I even ran across Jonas and Lisa kissing. I didn’t even know they were a couple.  I guess I’ll go play a game of solitaire.

Book 1 Journal Entry 61

Book 1 Journal Entry 61

Journal 61

Lisa moved out of my room and went back to her own place. She ignored me most of the day. When I finally cornered her in the admin hallway, I told her everything was fine. I don’t think either one of us was expecting Casey to be gone this long. Lisa apologized but she said she had her own life to lead.  Aleece and I are doing fine. I know I keep mentioning Casey’s absence, but I am certain she will be home soon.

Joshua came by to see me. He was in a much better mood. At least he was in a good mood until he saw Emily. He went all crazy the moment he saw her. His short temper is starting to affect our friendship. He started yelling at her and wanted to know why she didn’t leave when The Heroes of the Earth Gang left town.  I felt sorry for her. She stood there nearly in tears.  I told Joshua that I was glad he stopped by but that he needed to go. I told him not to come back if he was going to continue to throw tantrums every time something happened he didn’t like.  He was going to comment but I put my hand in his face and told him to go. He left.

Emily arrived at Bear Country looking for sanctuary, asylum, and to help to escaped from The Heroes of the Earth Gang. I let her stay. She arrived with nothing but the clothes on her back. I moved her into one of the open rooms on the second floor near the science department. She is also near one of the restrooms, which can come in handy if you want any hot water to bathe. Emily’s reasons for leaving the Heroes of the Earth Gang are her own. She didn’t say why she left.  She is free to stay in Bear Country.

Book 1 Journal Entry 60

Book 1 Journal Entry 60

Journal 60

Aleece is sleeping so peacefully. We had a good day. We went for a walk around Bear Country. I pointed out all the significant places. I gave her a little history lesson about where she is from. I told her what happened in the past. How life changed. I told her that she is our future. (She didn’t look like she was retaining any of the information.  We will have to have this lesson again someday.)

The Heroes of the Earth have taken down their tents I guess they are preparing to leave Bear Country.  I can’t say that I am sad that they are going.  I thought of taking Aleece out to the Spurs Campsite, but I changed my mind. The last time I saw Joshua he was in a horrible mood. I think I will give him a couple of days to calm down. Get his sanity back.

The walk was nice. It was a beautiful day today. I think Aleece likes being out in the sunshine. She is growing so fast. Her mom Casey is going to be so surprised when she sees her. I can’t help but wonder where Casey is. I didn’t think she would be gone this long.  Maybe she was having more emotional difficulty than I realized.  Aleece is safe with me, but she needs her Mom.  I wonder how Casey is going to tell Aleece who her father is…was. I am hoping I don’t have to tell Aleece who both her parents were.



Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Journal 59

I went to check on the progress that Sheriff Pete, Jonas, and Joshua were making at the jail. I wanted to see if hunger had given the raider a reason to talk. I was shocked at what I saw at the jail. The jail was a disaster, with broken furniture, and broken windows. A couple of Pete’s deputies were recovering on the floor. The raider was gone. The jail reminded me of a western movie I had seen once when I was young. Sheriff Pete was angry his deputies were injured, and he was pissed that the raider had escaped. Joshua was spitting fire. He was past angry. I walked in the jail as he threw a broken chair against a wall breaking it into even smaller pieces. Jonas was outside trying to see if anyone that was passing by might have seen what happened.

Father and a couple of his members picked a bad time to walk by the jail.  Joshua flew out of the jail the moment Father came into view. This was the second time I had seen Joshua put a gun into Father’s face. Joshua demanded the raiders return. Father denied his people had anything to do with the raiders. Things were a little crazy for a few minutes. I think I was holding my breath the entire time. Sheriff Pete made Joshua put his gun away. Joshua made a threat to Father. He said that if any Heroes of the Earth members came anywhere near the Spurs campsite or the cattle grazing there, Father was a dead man. No questions asked.

Pete sent Father and his followers on their way. Joshua went in the other direction toward his own gang. I tried to follow him, but he wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say.  Technically, there isn’t any proof that the raiders and the Heroes of the Earth have been working together.  I have my doubts.