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Book 1 Journal Entry 62

Book 1 Journal Entry 62

Journal 62

It must be an awful feeling to feel like you don’t belong. Emily is trying to settle in to her room. She looks sad and lonely. I heard from a credible source today that not everyone from The Heroes of the Earth community have left Bear Country. I spotted a couple of their members snooping around town. I have a feeling they are looking for Emily. I told her it would be a good idea if she stayed indoors until her community was completely gone. Emily agreed and she has decided to change her hair color so that she doesn’t stand out in the crowd. Emily still hasn’t revealed her reason for wanting to leave. I’m somewhat curious but don’t want to invade her privacy.

I have seen more kissing couples than I need to see in any one day. Couples are everywhere. People were making out in the admin hallway, the gym, the theater, and the teachers’ lounge. Frankly, it is annoying. I have nothing against kissing, but I wish everyone would get a room. I even ran across Jonas and Lisa kissing. I didn’t even know they were a couple.  I guess I’ll go play a game of solitaire.

Book 1 Journal Entry 61

Book 1 Journal Entry 61

Journal 61

Lisa moved out of my room and went back to her own place. She ignored me most of the day. When I finally cornered her in the admin hallway, I told her everything was fine. I don’t think either one of us was expecting Casey to be gone this long. Lisa apologized but she said she had her own life to lead.  Aleece and I are doing fine. I know I keep mentioning Casey’s absence, but I am certain she will be home soon.

Joshua came by to see me. He was in a much better mood. At least he was in a good mood until he saw Emily. He went all crazy the moment he saw her. His short temper is starting to affect our friendship. He started yelling at her and wanted to know why she didn’t leave when The Heroes of the Earth Gang left town.  I felt sorry for her. She stood there nearly in tears.  I told Joshua that I was glad he stopped by but that he needed to go. I told him not to come back if he was going to continue to throw tantrums every time something happened he didn’t like.  He was going to comment but I put my hand in his face and told him to go. He left.

Emily arrived at Bear Country looking for sanctuary, asylum, and to help to escaped from The Heroes of the Earth Gang. I let her stay. She arrived with nothing but the clothes on her back. I moved her into one of the open rooms on the second floor near the science department. She is also near one of the restrooms, which can come in handy if you want any hot water to bathe. Emily’s reasons for leaving the Heroes of the Earth Gang are her own. She didn’t say why she left.  She is free to stay in Bear Country.

Book 1 Journal Entry 60

Book 1 Journal Entry 60

Journal 60

Aleece is sleeping so peacefully. We had a good day. We went for a walk around Bear Country. I pointed out all the significant places. I gave her a little history lesson about where she is from. I told her what happened in the past. How life changed. I told her that she is our future. (She didn’t look like she was retaining any of the information.  We will have to have this lesson again someday.)

The Heroes of the Earth have taken down their tents I guess they are preparing to leave Bear Country.  I can’t say that I am sad that they are going.  I thought of taking Aleece out to the Spurs Campsite, but I changed my mind. The last time I saw Joshua he was in a horrible mood. I think I will give him a couple of days to calm down. Get his sanity back.

The walk was nice. It was a beautiful day today. I think Aleece likes being out in the sunshine. She is growing so fast. Her mom Casey is going to be so surprised when she sees her. I can’t help but wonder where Casey is. I didn’t think she would be gone this long.  Maybe she was having more emotional difficulty than I realized.  Aleece is safe with me, but she needs her Mom.  I wonder how Casey is going to tell Aleece who her father is…was. I am hoping I don’t have to tell Aleece who both her parents were.



Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Journal 59

I went to check on the progress that Sheriff Pete, Jonas, and Joshua were making at the jail. I wanted to see if hunger had given the raider a reason to talk. I was shocked at what I saw at the jail. The jail was a disaster, with broken furniture, and broken windows. A couple of Pete’s deputies were recovering on the floor. The raider was gone. The jail reminded me of a western movie I had seen once when I was young. Sheriff Pete was angry his deputies were injured, and he was pissed that the raider had escaped. Joshua was spitting fire. He was past angry. I walked in the jail as he threw a broken chair against a wall breaking it into even smaller pieces. Jonas was outside trying to see if anyone that was passing by might have seen what happened.

Father and a couple of his members picked a bad time to walk by the jail.  Joshua flew out of the jail the moment Father came into view. This was the second time I had seen Joshua put a gun into Father’s face. Joshua demanded the raiders return. Father denied his people had anything to do with the raiders. Things were a little crazy for a few minutes. I think I was holding my breath the entire time. Sheriff Pete made Joshua put his gun away. Joshua made a threat to Father. He said that if any Heroes of the Earth members came anywhere near the Spurs campsite or the cattle grazing there, Father was a dead man. No questions asked.

Pete sent Father and his followers on their way. Joshua went in the other direction toward his own gang. I tried to follow him, but he wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say.  Technically, there isn’t any proof that the raiders and the Heroes of the Earth have been working together.  I have my doubts.

Book 1 Journal Entry 58

Book 1 Journal Entry 58

Journal 58

It was a long night or a short night depending on how you look at things. Tony stopped by my room to see if Aleece and I would like to join him, Runt, Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia at the park for lunch. At first, I thought of saying no. I was in one of those lazy moods where you just want to stay in your room and vegetate. Then I looked at Aleece. The fresh air would be good for her.

The seven of us went to the park. Aleece and I sat under the old oak tree at the south end of the park near the lake. Aleece was in my lap, and I was playing patty cake with her. Runt and Tony were feeding the ducks; Marty, Gretchen and Cecelia were out on one of those rowboat things.

Anyway, I am not sure how long she was standing there watching Aleece and I. I was a little startled when she said, “Your baby is adorable.” I said thank you. I didn’t even correct her by saying Aleece wasn’t mine.  It’s a little strange. Up until that moment I had never heard the mother of the Heroes of the Earth Gang speak. She sounded normal not preachy. She said her name was Emily. I was trying not to be rude, but I sarcastically asked Emily if she was recruiting in the park today. She said no that it was her husband Kevin’s job to do that. She said she was just out getting some fresh air. His name was Kevin. For some reason, I was thinking his name would be something more… I don’t know but I wouldn’t have guessed that his name was Kevin.

Emily and I had a nice conversation. I asked her if she had children. She said no in a sad kind of way, but she sounded as if she wanted children some day. The whole time we talked, I answered the questions about Aleece as if she were mine. What could it hurt?

Tony interrupted our conversation by asking if I was ready for lunch. I asked Emily if she would like to join us. She was about to answer when two members of her community walked up and said that she was needed at her campsite. Emily said she was staying for lunch. One of the boys said sternly that Father wanted to see her now. She looked annoyed and a bit irritated. Emily said goodbye to Aleece and walked out of the park.

The lunch at the park was very enjoyable. Aleece slept through most of it.

Book 1 Journal Entry 57

Book 1 Journal Entry 57

Journal 57

Little Aleece is sleeping. She had a long day with Hemy at the Central campus. I’ve had a long day too. I can’t seem to shut off my brain to get some sleep.  The Heroes of the Earth community have put flyers up all over Bear Country. They continue to hold meetings in the big tent. Their newness is wearing off. I’ve noticed that they aren’t attracting as many people as they did on the first day.

The captured raider remains in jail. Sheriff Pete has posted guards to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. Joshua and his men continue to look for answers. He is still certain that the Heroes of the Earth are behind his troubles. Joshua is considering taking his people and leaving Bear Country to get away from the troubles here. I’m not sure that leaving is going to help his troubles. If there are more raiders out there and I personally believe there could be, then leaving Bear Country isn’t going to help.

Sheriff Pete, Jonas, Joshua, and I went to speak to The Heroes of the Earth leader again. Father’s calm voice seriously gets on my nerves. He can’t simply answer the question. He has to give a sermon. I wanted to reach out and ring his neck. He continues to insist that his community has no affiliation with the raiders. Actually, what he said was that the raiders are not members of his community.  I am thinking that he is having someone else do his dirty work. Something funny, Lost followed me to the Heroes of the Earth. She doesn’t like Father.  She barked and barked. I had to tie her to a tree so that we could have our meeting with Father. I think Lost knows he is not a good person.

Book 1 Journal Entry 56

Book 1 Journal Entry 56

Journal 56

I spent most of the morning looking for someone to watch Aleece for me. Lisa said she was busy. I asked everyone in Bear Country for help. No one seemed to have any free time on his or her hands. I bundled up Aleece and took her to Central to see if Hemy wouldn’t mind helping out. Luckily, when I arrived Hemy and Matt weren’t in the middle of a romantic interlude. Hemy gladly agreed to watch Aleece for me. Although Matt gave me that I had plans to be with my love look. How much time can two people actually spend in bed with each other anyway without getting bored or sore from lying in bed?

I went to the jail to see how things were going there. Sheriff Pete, Jonas, and Joshua were still trying to get information out of our raider. He still wasn’t talking. By the time I arrived, Joshua was getting irritated and impatient. It was obvious that they had already smacked their jailbird around a little, maybe a lot.  Joshua had the raider pinned to the wall, yelling at him. The raider was putting up a good fight. Sheriff Pete and Jonas were standing nearby. I guess they had already had their turn. Pete is the Sheriff of Bear Country, and I don’t have a lot of say on how he runs his jail but it didn’t look as if they were going to get any information out of the raider.

I stepped up to the bars and asked if I could talk to the three of them. They were annoyed that I was disturbing the process, and they asked me to leave. I wasn’t going to leave. I stood there until they stopped what they were doing. It’s a male ego thing. Men can’t seem to beat up another person when they think a woman is condemning them for their actions.

Pete, Jonas, Joshua, and I had a heated discussion about their prisoner and the best way to get information. I think I made my point that killing him was a bad idea.  A couple of days spent alone without food or water usually helps someone remember details they previously have forgotten.

Book 1 Journal Entry 55

Book 1 Journal Entry 55

Journal 55

It has happened. Sheriff Pete and Jonas were at the Spurs Campsite last night. Joshua’s men captured one of the raiders. Two raiders actually but one of the raiders was killed. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. The raider was trying to run away to escape capture when he fell into a hole and broke his neck.

Sheriff Pete has the remaining raider in jail trying to get information out of him. The raider isn’t talking. Joshua wants to string him up to the nearest tree. This currently is not an option. I think it is important that we find out who the raiders are working for and why they were tormenting the Spurs. I don’t think the raiders are working for The Heroes of the Earth.  The raiders wear different clothes and don’t have stripped red hair. Of course, people around here change their clothes and hair all the time.

Book 1 Journal Entry 54

Book 1 Journal Entry 54

Journal 54

The Heroes of the Earth community continue to recruit. They seem to be praying on lonely souls who don’t have a cause or a place to call their own. I find it odd and strange that people would find what The Heroes of the Earth have to say as credible. Oh well, we each have to choose our own paths in life.

Sheriff Pete and his deputies continue to assist Joshua in searching for the raiders. I’m certain if Joshua catches the raider, he will show no mercy. He will probably hang them on the nearest tree.

The Library Trio (Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia) stopped by to see me again today. They suggested some activities that I might try with Aleece that will help to increase her intelligence. They are so sweet, in a brainy sort of way. The library trio has been spending more time out of the library than usual. Up until recently, I only saw them once every couple of weeks. I guess they are enjoying the sunshine and the square dancing at the Spurs campsite. I think Gretchen and Cecelia are actually putting on a little weight. The sunshine has added a little color to their cheeks. Marty has a certain look to him that I have not seen before. He looks proud and happy. He walks taller.

I haven’t seen Jonas in a while I think he is staying out at the Spurs campsite. Matt and Hemy are playing house at Central. I actually haven’t seen them in days either. Central has returned to normal. It is a productive gang again. It was a wise decision to elect Hemy as their leader. She is responsible, fair and an overall good person.

I have Aleece all day today again. Lisa is out playing a gig with her band. I keep looking for Casey to return. I have found myself occasionally staring out my window looking to see if she is walking up the lawn. Aleece needs her mom. I am not complaining. Aleece is an easy baby and there are people here who can help me out. Tony has been a tremendous help but still Aleece needs her mom. Although now that I think about it. It was fun pretending to be her mom while we were out shopping.

Book 1 Journal Entry 53

Book 1 Journal Entry 53

Journal 53

Aleece and I spent the whole day together. Lisa had things to do. Motherhood was beginning to weigh heavily on her. She made plans to spend the whole day practicing with her band. Its ok I don’t mind. Little Aleece and I were headed toward town to buy her some new clothes. If I was going to play mom, I thought it would be a fun idea to buy her some outfits that I like. We still haven’t heard anything from Casey. I guess she had many things on her mind that she needed to clear up. For Aleece’s sake, I hope she comes home soon.

On our way out of Bear Country Aleece, Lost and I ran into Tony and Runt. We exchanged hellos and then Tony asked if he and the Runt could join us. Apparently, they didn’t have any plans for the day. Tony said there was a new arcade in town. He thought it would be fun if we stopped by there after shopping for Aleece.

Have you ever noticed that when you are shopping for something in particular you can’t find the item? This seems to happen to me a lot. Anyway, we went from kiosk to kiosk looking for cute outfits that would fit Aleece. No one had any until we ran into Shanna’s Scraps to Clothes Boutique. This stuff was so cute. It was colorful. It was unique. Shanna makes all the clothes herself. She has talent. What is even more special is that no one has worn this stuff. You can sometimes find stuff like that on the market but not often. Aleece now has several new outfits. She is now the best-dressed baby in Bear Country.

We finished our shopping and headed toward this new arcade. I was excited and hungry. Runt was jumping all over the place he was so excited. Tony said he knew the proprietor. They were friends from long ago. The arcades owner was a young man named Hyatt. I recognized him from our school days. Hyatt and Tony knew each other well. They shook hands, hugged, and gave each other pats on the back. Hyatt sat us at a nice table, fed us and then gave us free tokens to play in the arcade. Runt had a wonderful time. I had a wonderful time. I think Aleece liked seeing all the pretty colors flashing around. She only got cranky once so Tony took her from me and made her happy again. It was so nice of Tony to invite Aleece and me to the arcade. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Even the festival wasn’t this much fun.  It was late by the time we got back to Bear Country. Even little Lost had a good day. She is a funny little dog.