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Book 1 Journal Entry 22

Book 1 Journal Entry 22

Journal 22

I am having trouble sleeping. I seem to worry about everything. Last night was horrible; I couldn’t shut my mind off from thinking about the day. I don’t like Matt living inside the Central campus. I don’t want him to take any unnecessary chances. I am sure he will only do what is necessary, but I still worry about him. Tony is feeling a little happier. He is anxious about Runt. It was difficult to convince him that he can’t just run over to the Central campus and get Runt back. We have a workable plan to get all the missing boys back. I think he understands that if he ran over there and tried to take Runt back right now the other missing boys could be in trouble. One step at a time and we will get our friends back. Sheriff Pete is currently training his deputies. I think he is enjoying his new role as a Sheriff. He walks differently, taller, I think.

Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Journal 21

Matt sent a message to me. He is inside the Central campus, and it sounds like he is doing fine. He apologized to Jonas for the eye punch. Apparently, Matt lost his balance on the last blow. Matt has access to most of the Central campus, but a couple of the areas are heavily guarded. Matt has located the Runt and the other lost boys. The boys are slaves forced to do the Hulks bidding. The goons keep the boys in cages most of the day. The Hulk’s goons force the boys to fight in the arena for amusement.

Wrestling seems to be very big on the Central campus. People are continuously challenging each other to duals. Matt has been able to avoid being challenged because he is currently not considered a threat, the higher the rank the more privileges you have and the better food you eat. Matt hopes to be home soon.

Book 1 Journal Entry 20

Book 1 Journal Entry 20

Journal 20

I have such a headache. Probably stress. The preparation for the naming ceremony is going well. Casey is getting so excited, and the baby seems to be thriving. Casey is also doing well. Plans for the festival also continue. We have had several responses from several of the local gangs who wish to participate. The same gangs come year after year. I can’t wait; we need some diversion, some fun. My brain is tired. What else can I tell you? Oh, I know Jonas is climbing the walls. We still have not heard from Matt since he defected over to the Central Bobcats. I hope he is safe and not taking any unnecessary chances.

Book 1 Journal Entry 19

Book 1 Journal Entry 19

Journal 19

Jonas limped back to Bear Country. He didn’t say a lot when he got back. I cleaned up his wounds and made him something to eat. He didn’t eat much. I am not sure if it was because of his physical injuries or because of the mental anguish I am sure he feels. The whole thing was just incredibly sad. I find it hard to think about one without the other. Matt and Jonas have always done everything together.

Book 1 Journal Entry 18

Book 1 Journal Entry 18

Journal 18

There are days and then there are days. Matt and Jonas fought at the plaza today. It was awful. Both boys were injured. They both had bloody lips, cuts, and bruises. A couple of venders are going to have to rebuild after Matt and Jonas crashed through their kiosks. It didn’t take long for a crowd to develop. People began to cheer for one or the other. It always annoys me that people encourage fights. You would think that the proper thing to do would be to stop the fight but not in this town. Anyway, as the fight grew in intensity a couple of the Hulk’s goons from the Central campus arrived. They just stood back and watched. I am not surprised. The fight ended as Matt pinned Jonas on the pavement. Some words exchanged that I would rather not repeat. Then Matt released Jonas and stood up. Jonas struggled to his feet. He yelled at his brother that they were no longer brothers. I wanted to cry. After the show, the crowd dispersed as quickly as it formed except for the Central goons. They were interested in Matt. I wasn’t close enough to hear the conversation, but Matt left with the enemy.

Book 1 Journal Entry 17

Book 1 Journal Entry 17

Journal 17

Tony stopped by my room in the admin hallway. He said he wanted to help. I guess this is his way of saying he is sorry for being mad at me.

It’s been a long night. Tony, Matt, Jonas, and I (under the cover of darkness) went to the Central campus. There was a lot of activity even at the hour that we were snooping. The guards seem to all be visible. No need to hide, the size of these people would keep most people away. Of course, we don’t know exactly what is going on inside. We tiptoed around the entire campus. No one seemed to be guarding the east end backside of the building. The door was even unlocked. We went inside. The classrooms in this hallway were all locked and empty. At least the rooms we peaked into were empty. Things seemed a little too easy. Feeling uncomfortable with the ease that we entered we decided to quietly leave. Ok, we can get in. Which means we should be able to get information to each other? The next step is to get someone into the Bobcat gang.

Book 1 Journal Entry 16

Book 1 Journal Entry 16

Journal 16

I held a meeting with the community leaders of the larger gangs that are allies with Bear Country. I love community meetings. No, actually, I don’t but sometimes they are a necessity. I am not a particularly good diplomat. I have trouble hiding my emotions. I always turn a bright shade of red when I get flustered. What I hate the most is that these meetings always end up loud and noisy. Getting everyone to agree is always a challenge but I think we have a workable plan. All the gang leaders have agreed that getting someone inside the Bobcat campus is a necessity. Bear Country will have to get someone inside but first we have to find out what kind of security the Hulk has in place so that we can get information once we are inside.

I went to see Tony after the meeting. He is still angry with me. At first, he pretended to be working on something and ignored that I was even standing in the same room. I said I was sorry and that if I could bring back Runt I would. I said I needed his friendship. He threw a wrench across the room (It barely missed my head) and said I wasn’t a very good friend. A friend is someone you can count on. Someone you can depend on. I said, “I was dependable.” He said I wasn’t. He said I should have kept a closer eye on Runt. Perhaps he was right. I should have kept a closer eye on the little guy. However, honestly, I can’t be everywhere at once. I have a great deal of responsibility. I would have done my best to look after Runt if Tony had died. We all would have looked after him. It’s what we do in Bear Country. We look after each other. No one could have prevented Runt from leaving if he wanted to leave. No one is under lock and key.

Tony went back to whatever it was he was working on, and I left the room. I said I really was sorry.

Book 1 Journal Entry 15

Book 1 Journal Entry 15

Journal 15

Central continues to cause trouble. I went to the Plaza today with Matt and Jonas. The streets are crazy. People are missing. No proof but the word is that the Central Bobcats are behind the disappearances. I knew Central was recruiting older males, large males of substantial build but the missing are young boys. Apparently, four young boys disappeared in four days. Took Matt and Jonas, collected a few community leaders, and went over to the Central campus. We were hoping that the Hulk (as we endearingly call him) might be able to help us. Let us know where the boys are. His goons wouldn’t let us through the front door. Apparently, the Hulk is busy with Central Bobcat business and can’t be disturbed. We tried to force our way in but the goons guarding the entrance had lethal weapons we weren’t prepared to deal with at that moment in time. We left a message. This whole thing with Central is getting on my nerves.

Book 1 Journal Entry 14

Book 1 Journal Entry 14

Journal 14

Tony is still avoiding me. He won’t look at me. He won’t talk to me. He will not enter if I am in a room. I wish I knew what to say. I have tried to apologize. I have never seen him this angry with anyone before. I don’t know what to do. The cold shoulder he is giving me is breaking my heart. I keep hoping that Runt will walk through the front door.

Book 1 Journal Entry 13

Book 1 Journal Entry 13

Journal 13

I woke up early this morning. I didn’t sleep very well last night. I kept thinking about what Tony said to me yesterday. By the way, he is now avoiding me. I tried to talk to him this morning, but he wasn’t interested in anything I had to say. To get my mind off things I went to the plaza to see if I could find another pair of shoes. No shoes, but I did run into a kid with a very well trained dog. They were doing some amazing tricks and entertaining the crowd. The dog listened so well. Then a couple of Central goons showed up. They enjoy causing trouble and as usual, they did. They started tossing trash at the dog and pushing around his owner. I wanted to see the dog eat one of them. They would have deserved it. Unfortunately, the dog was well trained and didn’t attack but he did display an impressive display of I am going to eat your heart out if you don’t leave my owner alone.

With help from the crowd, the Central goons crawled away in disgrace. I can feel trouble in the air. The Central Bobcats continue to make life difficult. I heard that the Hulk is recruiting goons. I need to organize a meeting with the town leaders to see if we can do something about Central. Unfortunately, people are getting more and more afraid. People like to look the other way when it doesn’t involve them. I have a feeling this is going to involve the whole town soon.