Book 3 Chapter 3: Silent Heroes

Book 3 Chapter 3: Silent Heroes

Chapter 3: Silent Heroes

Finn, Cray, Leah, and a few others followed the Hyenas at a safe distance. The gang cornered the three girls near the old Comp USA building, where the graffiti-stained walls provided little refuge. The Hyenas closed in fast, but Finn and Cray already had a plan. They wouldn’t attack head-on—that was suicide. Instead, they needed to create a distraction.

Just as one of the Hyenas stepped forward, sneering at the girls, Leah struck. A loud crash echoed through the alley as she tipped over a nearby cart of metal scrap, sending clanging and banging into the air. The sound startled the Hyenas, giving the girls a moment to react.

It didn’t take long before a familiar group arrived on the scene—Tony and his friends. Their sudden appearance was enough to turn the tide, sending the Hyenas scattering.

Cray watched from the shadows, satisfied with the outcome. His crew had kept out of sight, knowing that while they had helped, they couldn’t afford to be noticed.

As they retreated back to their hidden camp, Leah spoke quietly to Cray, “We should have introduced ourselves.”

Cray shook his head. “No. We don’t need to get mixed up in their business. The plaza’s dangerous enough.”

But Finn, trailing behind, couldn’t help but wonder if maybe one day they’d have to cross paths again. Madie, Hemy, and the others from Spurs Fort weren’t the only ones trying to carve out a life in the chaos of the new world. Cray’s crew was just as determined to survive—but staying hidden might not be an option forever.

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