Book 2 Journal Entry 92

Book 2 Journal Entry 92

Journal 92

Matt and Jonas were unable to find more fuel to keep our portable heaters running but they did find a portable gas stove and two of those large tanks of propane at the Home Depot. Jonas said they found them by accident as they were rummaging through the rubble. It was a great find. Tony and Pete both said the gas stove would only give the room heat for a day. A better use would be to use the gas stove for cooking.

Tony had another idea. He wants to poke a hole in the lobby roof like a chimney and build a fire in the lobby. I protested loudly about the building of a fire inside Bear Country. My previous experience with inside fires said building a fire inside Bear Country was a bad idea. After I had calmed down from my tirade, Tony explained a little further, mostly for my benefit. We have metal sheets in the basement and several empty barrels. Tony said we could line the floor with the metal sheets and put the barrels on top. We could burn old desks and would scraps. The room would stay warm as long as we kept the fire going. The smoke would go out through the ceiling. I’m not feeling good about this. It would be a tragedy if we burned down our home.

Tony, Pete, Jonas, and Matt are outside trying to figure out how to get up onto the roof without falling and killing themselves in the process. I am keeping my fingers crossed that no one falls or breaks a leg.

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