Book 2 Journal Entry 91

Book 2 Journal Entry 91

Journal 91

Marty has fallen seriously ill. I was guarding the back door to the kitchen when Marty entered to get something to eat. He looked a little wobbly but refused my help. Marty fell to the floor the moment he opened the pantry doors. I guess it’s time to doctor the doctor.

Gretchen and Cecelia are both very distraught over Marty being ill. I don’t think the stress is doing either of them any good. Gretchen continues to have contractions, and Cecelia doesn’t look any better. I think Cecelia is also having labor pains, but she won’t admit it. I caught Cecelia doubled over more than once today. Every time I offered my assistance, she shooed me away and said she was fine. I don’t think she is fine. Gretchen remains in bed. She keeps trying to get up and help Marty even though I assured her Hemy, and I will see to Marty needs.

Hemy must have an extremely good immune system. She doesn’t seem ill at all. You should see her running around here like a superwoman. I asked her to slow down but she insists that she is fine.

I almost had a heart attack earlier. I was checking on Marty when Victor stepped up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I look over my shoulder and shriek. Victor is startled and falls back onto his butt. I think I lost ten years of my life during that moment.

The almost dead should never sneak up on a person. I don’t know when Victor became conscious, but he has been walking around like a lost puppy. Victor’s only complaint is that his throat is sore. I decided not to tell Victor that Marty and Tony kept sticking a tube down his throat to give him nourishment.

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