Book 2 Journal Entry 90

Book 2 Journal Entry 90

Journal 90

The snow is still falling. I think it is colder than the North Pole outside. Our fuel reserves are dwindling fast. Matt and Jonas went down to the basement to retrieve more fuel for the portable heaters and discovered we had none. At first, Tony thought they had looked in the wrong place in the basement. He took Matt and Jonas back down into the basement to show them the location of the hidden fuel. You should have heard the ruckus when they came back to the lobby.

Tony went ballistic when he discovered the fuel was indeed missing. Tony had just counted the number of gallons we had left the day before. If we were careful, we would have had enough to last us at least another week. This would give us a little time to find and obtain some more.

Sometime during the night Bear Country was broken into and our remaining fuel taken. Matt, Jonas, and a couple of other people went looking for more fuel. I don’t know what we are going to do if we can’t find more. I hate to say this, but I am relieved that I am not one of the people having to go out into the cold to find more fuel. I would have gone if asked but I’m glad Pete didn’t choose me.

Pete has placed guards all over Bear Country. It will be my turn in a couple of hours. I get to guard the back entrance near the kitchen. Everyone is sick to some degree. There is no way to get out of this detail. Not that I would want to but when you are not feeling your best and just want to sleep the idea of having to pull guard duty really sucks.

Marty is starting to look ill. He almost tumbled over. He had that look in his eyes you get right before the room turns black and you pass out. I think Marty is over worked he had been taking care of everyone else instead of himself. Marty is worried about Gretchen. Gretchen is also feeling ill. She had been having contractions all morning long.

We have Gretchen lying down and drinking fluids. I think Gretchen is running a fever. She feels very warm to the touch. Cecelia has been hovering over Gretchen like a mother hen all day. I have been trying to get Cecelia to rest and not exhaust herself.



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