Book 2 Journal Entry 86

Book 2 Journal Entry 86

Journal 86

It was so cold this morning. An unexpected cold front snuck in overnight. Yesterday was a long sleeve shirt day but the weather was nice. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing my butt off. I had to jump out of bed, grab another blanket and put on another layer of clothes just to keep from turning into a Popsicle. I stayed in bed as long as I could this morning. I was dreading stepping out into the frigid air a second time. I was finally forced to get up because my bladder was about to explode and because I was starving. It was a good thing I got out of bed when I did. Disaster was only moments away.

Sometimes people don’t use their brains. I’m thinking common sense probably comes with age. By the time I made it downstairs a group of kids was in the process of building a large fire in a wheel barrel in the front lobby. I guess they were cold. However, someone should have told them that building a fire inside Bear Country was a bad idea. The hall was quickly filling with smoke. I’m sure the kids thought I was insane. Why change a trend? I started yelling at the kids for trying to burn down our/my home. I grabbed a bucket out of the kitchen, filled it with water and poured it on the fire. I made a huge mess, and the kids were not happy, but I wasn’t about to let Bear Country burn to the ground. I lost my first home because a bunch of kids tried to build a fire indoors. The entire gated community I lived in burned to the ground.

I asked Pete if he wouldn’t mind holding a meeting to let everyone know that we have heaters for when the weather gets bad, but our fuel is limited. If the kids need to build fires, they can go outdoors.

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