Book 2 Journal Entry 71

Book 2 Journal Entry 71

Journal 71

When I woke, I was lying on my bed and Tony was sitting in the chair next to me. He reached out to kiss my hand. I quickly withdrew my hand from his grasp. If Tony thought the little nap was going to change my disposition he was mistaken. I said a few dirty words.

Ok it was an entire paragraph worth of dirty words. Tony didn’t flinch. He sat there with a smile on his face and waited for me to finish. The whole purpose of saying language like that is to offend and get a rise out of people. I didn’t get a rise out of Tony. I thought of beginning again but quickly changed my mind. What would be the point?

Tony asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I secretly wanted freedom. We would get out in the open and I would take a break for it.

My tummy rumbled. The rumble was so loud the guards out in the hall heard it. I was so horribly hungry. I glanced at the tray brought in earlier. I don’t know how long the tray had been out, but I was starving. Tony acknowledged my hunger. He heard the rumble. Tony had the guards come in, take the old tray, and bring a new one. Fruit and pastries filled the new tray. I have had fresh fruit, but I hadn’t seen pastries like that in years. I ate until I couldn’t eat any more. The whole time Tony just sat and watched.

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