Book 2 Journal Entry 63

Book 2 Journal Entry 63

Journal 63

I am trying not to overstay my welcome. I need to go home to Bear Country, but I am not in the mood. Today has been a good day. It has been a peaceful and restful day. The weather has been wonderful. There was a cool breeze blowing most of the day. I think autumn is finally on its way.

I think I have developed a fondness for this porch and this rocking chair. I have done nothing all day but sit in this chair. For a little while, I wandered around and watched Joshua do his chores. Joshua spent most of the morning trying to break a horse that didn’t like to wear a saddle. The horse didn’t appreciate anyone sitting in that saddle either. After lunch, Joshua and I sat on the porch and played cards. I beat him in three out of four games of war. I asked Joshua if he minded if I stayed around until after dinner. He said I could stay as long as I wanted. He enjoyed my company. I hope I am not making a nuisance of myself.

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