Book 2 Journal Entry 62

Book 2 Journal Entry 62

Journal 62

I slept well, no nightmares. In fact, I don’t think I dreamt at all last night. I curled up on the cot and the next thing I knew I was awake and feeling great. Some people are early risers. Joshua is always one of the first people awake at the Spurs Fort. I think it is part of his job to be one of the first people to start their day. I was awake before Joshua today. I am proud of this fact.

I was outside sitting in a rocking chair, talking to a couple of guards when Joshua stepped out onto the porch wearing nothing but his jeans and an untucked shirt. He wore no boots, no hat, and no guns. I don’t think I have ever seen him look so ordinary and human. He always looked bigger than life to me. It felt great to say, “Good morning, Sunshine.” Joshua nearly fell off the porch. He wasn’t expecting me to be awake until later in the day. Joshua said, “Good morning,” tried to tip his nonexistent hat and then excused himself back inside. He came back out to the porch a few minutes later dressed in his hat, boots, and gun. I liked him the other way.

Breakfast was great. We had eggs, grits, toast, and bad coffee!

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