Book 2 Journal Entry 53

Book 2 Journal Entry 53

Journal 53

Lisa has not returned to Bear Country. I doubt she is gone for good. Her things are still in her room. I hope she comes to her senses before Tyson does serious damage to her body. The whole thing doesn’t make any sense. Lisa has always been a sensible person. I would have never thought Lisa would become involved with a person like Tyson. Lisa has always been sweet and kind.

I went shopping with Hemy today. We spent most of the day going from kiosk to kiosk. I wish I could say we found some great finds, but we didn’t. Except for a couple of produce kiosks, everything sold was garbage. Who would want to barter for a tin full of bottle caps? To get anything good these days you must know someone that knows someone.

The followers of Aloysius were out mingling with the crowd. They were on their best behavior. Most of them were walking around being friendly and blessing people. I think there are two distinct groups of Aloysius followers. The loud noise follows Aloysius or die people, and the Aloysius is the way, let’s all love each other people.

Hemy and I stopped at a kiosk to look at some sad looking beat-up books when a Dirt Bike Knight purposely trips a follower of Aloysius. The white clad follower falls to the ground at my feet. I reached down to help him to his feet. I know the leader of the Dirt Bike Knights and she is not going to like it when I tell her that her little brother is purposely being rude to people.

I never got the name of the Aloysius follower, but he thanked me for coming to his aid. He seemed nice enough and he was cute.

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