Book 2 Journal Entry 52

Book 2 Journal Entry 52

Journal 52

Sheriff Pete got in a couple of good punches. Tyson kicked Pete in the abdomen. Pete went down hard. Matt and Jonas pinned Tyson to the wall.

Matt or Jonas slugged Tyson and he went down. I didn’t see which one. Both? I was trying to help Pete up off the floor. We threw Tyson out of Bear Country. I gave Lisa the option to follow. I yelled at her for causing the fight. Lisa’s irresponsibility caused the whole ruckus in the admin hallway. Lisa gave me the stare of death and followed Tyson out. I hope she doesn’t return.

Tony and I spent most of the day at Hyatt’s Arcade with Matt, Hemy and Jonas. We asked Sheriff Pete if he wanted to go with us, but he declined. Tony teased him by saying it was a good place to meet girls. Pete didn’t see the humor. Pete turned our invitation down and went to do his own thing.

Joshua and several members of the Spurs Gang were already at Hyatt’s arcade when we arrived. We spent the next couple of hours drinking, playing pool, and playing darts in a competition against the Spurs. Several followers of Aloysius interrupted our fun when they entered the arcade and started preaching. We tried to ignore them but after a while, it became difficult. The Hyatt tried to kick them out, but they wouldn’t leave. It took everyone in the arcade to get the Aloysius followers thrown out onto the street.

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