Book 2 Journal Entry 50

Book 2 Journal Entry 50

Journal 50

After a moment of prodding by me, Tony ran after Pete. I finished off Tony’s eggs. It was an hour before the two of them returned to Bear Country. I was sitting at the top of the stairs with Hemy, Gretchen and Cecelia. The four of us were discussing babies. Gretchen and Cecelia have the cutest tummies. It is possible to feel their babies move. Marty was out looking for baby furniture. He is the most adorable father to be.

Tony and Pete went straight to the weight room. I hung outside the weight room doors for about 10 minutes trying to listen to their conversation. Unfortunately, the doors are thick and hard to hear through. I gave up trying to listen after Hemy drug me away from the door. Hemy said I was snooping. For the record, I’m supposed to snoop it’s my job. If I don’t snoop, I can’t write down what happens around here. It was lunch before Pete and Tony finally came out of the weight room. They must have been working out hard. Tony and Pete were both drenched in sweat. I offered to make both lunches. I suggested they both shower first. The heat and the stink were radiating off both.

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