Book 2 Journal Entry 47

Book 2 Journal Entry 47

Journal 47

Matt, Hemy, Tony and I spent several hours at the park today. It was nice. We packed lunch, the game trouble, and a football. Hemy and I beat the boys in 3 out of four games of trouble. It wasn’t Matt or Tony’s day to roll a six. Hemy and I kept throwing sixes repeatedly. Hemy and I would have two of our game pieces home before Tony or Matt even made it out of the starting gate.

Tony and Matt decided to toss the football around after losing three consecutive games of trouble in a row. Hemy and I weren’t interested in playing. We decided to lie under a tree and talk. We were having a nice conversation when suddenly the air filled with music. Hemy in all her wisdom asked if today Sunday was. We discussed the matter and concluded that today was not Sunday but some other day of the week. Neither of us was sure which one. We followed the sound of the music and discovered we were not alone in the park. A group of about 50 followers of Aloysius was also in the park.

Curiosity was killing me. I had to know what was up with this Aloysius person. I persuaded Matt, Hemy and Tony to walk with me to the other side of the park and listen to the words of Aloysius. I was hoping to be inspired. We didn’t get to see Aloysius, but we did get to see about half a dozen people talk about the great Aloysius and all of his good deeds.

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