Book 2 Journal Entry 46

Book 2 Journal Entry 46

Journal 46

We sometimes learn lessons the hard way. Lisa locked herself in her room. She won’t let me in, and she won’t come out.

The evening started out very mellow. I was spending a little time outside. The night sky was clear. It hadn’t been clear since before the meteors and the earthquakes. It was a beautiful quiet evening. Everyone had gone out for the night.

I was sitting on the front steps of the school with my foot propped up on a pillow. I was watching the stars and enjoying the night air. I was at peace.

My peace ended abruptly as Sheriff Pete and a couple of his deputies threw Lisa’s boyfriend out the front doors of the school and down the stairs. The next few moments are somewhat of a blur. I was trying to recover from having my foot stepped on by Tyson. He stepped on my foot after Pete tried to shove him further down the stairs.

Lisa was crying at the top of the stairs begging Pete and Tyson to stop fighting. Lisa’s hair was a mess and cake covered her shirt. Pete wasn’t going to stop fighting with Tyson until he agreed not to return to Bear Country. Tyson wasn’t going to leave until Lisa agreed to leave with him. The next few moments were a bit intense. I thought Lisa would choose to leave but she didn’t. Tyson left but not before telling Lisa, she was worthless.

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