Book 2 Journal Entry 45

Book 2 Journal Entry 45

Journal 45

I slept in. All that walking yesterday seriously tired me out. My little toe is killing me. I woke up this morning with my toe stuck to the top sheet of my bed. I didn’t realize my toe was stuck until I moved my leg and ripped off the top layer of my toe. I bled all the way to the bathroom.

Lisa was baking her cake when I went down to breakfast. It smelled nice. Lisa didn’t look like she was enjoying the process of baking. She was stressing over whether her boyfriend was going to like it. She kept peeking in the oven to make sure it wasn’t going to burn or overcooked. Lisa said her boyfriend is very particular about the food he eats. She wanted the cake to be perfect. I hope he is thankful. Pete said Lisa’s boyfriend is a control freak. I have known men like that. They are not easy to please.

Tony and Victor asked if I wanted to go and spend the day out at the Spurs Fort. I would have liked to visit with Joshua but the thought of walking all that way on my sore foot didn’t sound appealing. I declined. Tony wanted me to go. He begged and pleaded until I uncovered my toe. Tony kissed me on my forehead and asked me to keep my foot clean. He said he didn’t want to return to Bear Country later tonight and discovered that it was necessary to hold me down and cut my foot off. He has an obvious deep concern for my welfare.

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