Book 2 Journal Entry 104

Book 2 Journal Entry 104

Journal 104

I stomped off into the snow. I was furious that Anna had made herself so comfortable inside the Spurs Fort in such a short amount of time. I kept repeating in my head the phrase that Anna said about believing in Aloysius. I admit I was a little pissed. If I ever meet up with this Aloysius, I’m giving him a smack upside the head.

I made it out the gate of the Spurs Fort about the time that Tony grabbed me by my coat and spun me around. Tony was angry with me for whatever reason. I was civilized inside the Spurs Fort. I didn’t say one mean thing and I wasn’t rude in any way. Ok, I was thinking that it would be nice if Anna’s head exploded but a girl has a right to her thoughts. Tony should have been angry with Anna and her friends. They just walked into the Spurs Fort and took over as if they owned the place.

Tony looked me straight in the eyes and said that I needed to make up my mind. I think the cold froze a few of Tony’s brain cells or something. Sometimes he makes absolutely no sense. I glared back at Tony and said, “What the flip are you talking about?” Tony didn’t give me an answer, he just shoved me aside and walked away. I slipped and fell on the ice and landed on my butt. I had to walk all the way back to Bear Country alone.

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