Book 2 Journal Entry 162

Book 2 Journal Entry 162

Journal 162

We are putting it in a garden to include flowers and vegetables. Kate said she has a friend from one of the local farms that is going to donate seeds to us.

Kate and I spent the day clearing out an area near the back fence. The area we picked didn’t seem that large until we started clearing it out. I suggest we make it a little bigger. Kate thought the area mapped out was big enough. I’m glad we didn’t expand our boundaries because the more we worked the bigger the area we mapped out seemed to get.

My hands are so sore. I should have found some gloves from somewhere. I have blisters from the shovel I was using. I don’t want to see another rock. Every time I picked one out of the dirt, three more would appear in its place. I think they were reproducing to irritate me. We put all the rocks in a pile. Joshua said they would come in handy later. I don’t know what he has planned for them, but it must be something grand.

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