Book 2 Journal Entry 159

Book 2 Journal Entry 159

Journal 159

I walked out to Bear Country with Kate in tow. Joshua had a list of things he wanted to accomplish today especially since I kept him occupied all yesterday. I’m not sure if Joshua had an actual list or if he just didn’t want to go to Bear Country with me. I think it’s probably the latter.

After receiving specific instructions from Joshua, Kate was with me to keep me focused on the task. I was supposed to retrieve my lost journal and not fight with anyone inside of Bear Country. Things were going well until I entered the front doors. Tony was on his way out. I said “HI” trying to be friendly. Tony wasn’t interested in being friendly. He pushed past me and told me to go home. I turned around and followed him down the steps. I wanted him to wait and talk to me. I wanted to apologize. Tony wasn’t interested in my apology. He asked Kate to take me home and then ran down the street. I was going to follow but Kate wouldn’t let me go.

My journal was indeed in the desk drawer in my old room. It was a relief to get it back. Kate and I ran into Sheriff Pete as we were leaving. Pete apologized for asking me to leave the other day. He was just trying to keep the peace. I asked if he knew why Tony was so angry with me. Pete looked at me and asked where I wanted him to start. The list was long. I didn’t give Pete much of a chance to start naming off my misdeeds and lack of good judgments. I cut him off after he mentioned my track- record of switching men.

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