Book 2 Journal Entry 158

Book 2 Journal Entry 158

Journal 158

I like surprises. I was expecting today to be like yesterday and the day before. Joshua is up every day before the sun. He works so very hard. I was happily surprised to see him still lying next to me when I woke. I watched him sleep for a good while. At least I thought he was sleeping. I was gently running my fingers through the curls on his head when he asked if I was going to get up and make some coffee. I teased him by saying if he wanted coffee he could get up and make it himself. I also suggested that while he was up, he make breakfast. We put coffee and breakfast on hold. We crawled out of bed around eleven.

After breakfast or rather lunch, Joshua gave me a riding lesson. I’m not very good. I can’t seem to get the horse to go in the desired direction. Joshua had a good laugh and spent most of the time leading the horse around.

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