Book 2 Journal Entry 155

Book 2 Journal Entry 155

Journal 155

I had decided, and I felt fine with it. My morning went great. After a long talk with Joshua last night, I made the decision to move into the Spurs Fort. There was nothing or no one holding me to Bear Country. At least that’s what I thought.

I bumped into Tony as I was carrying my stuff down the stairs. Joshua was outside in the wagon rearranging so that everything would fit.

I didn’t know what to say. I was totally at a loss for words. I stood there staring at him like an idiot. I wanted to hug him, but my arms were full. Tony said nothing at first. He just gave me an evil smirk and pushed me. I yelled at him to stop, and I asked him where he had been. He didn’t answer so I asked again. Tony was angry. He jumped down a couple of steps until he was standing on the step just above the one I was standing on. Tony started yelling at me. He said he was amazed at how quickly I had forgotten about him and jumped to someone new. I didn’t just jump to someone new. I thought Tony was dead or gone or something. Tony wanted to hit me. I could see it in his eyes but instead he gave my shoulder a shove. It was enough to make me lose my balance. I didn’t fall but everything I was holding flew out of my arms and crashed down the stairs.

Before I knew what was happening Tony and Joshua were fighting. I tried to stop the fight, but my two friends wouldn’t stop hitting each other. Sheriff Pete, Jonas, and Marty ended up stopping the fight. Sheriff Pete sent Tony to his room and asked me to leave as quickly as possible.

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