Book 2 Journal Entry 153

Book 2 Journal Entry 153

Journal 153

This day has really sucked.

My plans were to wake up early so that I could attend the burial of Gretchen and the baby. I spent the night at the Spurs Fort again. Joshua and I were up late. I don’t even know what time we went to bed. I didn’t make it to the funeral, and I feel horrible.

Joshua and I arrived at Bear Country just as the ceremony was ending. Sheriff Pete walked up to me and made the comment that it was nice of me to drop by and show my respect. His comment stung because it was meant as a reprimand. I tried to apologize to Marty and Cecelia for being late, but Pete grabbed my arm and asked me to leave them alone.

Joshua didn’t like the way Sheriff Pete grabbed me by my arm. Joshua shoved Pete. I stepped between them before either one had the chance to throw the first punch. I have accidentally alienated most of my friends. I’m not even sure exactly what I did. People hate me and I don’t even know why.

Matt and Hemy suggested that I stay out at the Spurs Fort for a few days and let things cool down in Bear Country. Jonas just gave me a shrug and walked away. I went to grab a few things out of my room only to find it empty of my stuff. Everything I owned was stacked in the hallway.

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