Book 2 Journal Entry 128

Book 2 Journal Entry 128

Journal 128

I have my coat back. Seekers filled the rally. Anna and Joshua arrived wearing their royal robes about an hour after the beginning of the rally. Anna gave her speech and Joshua helped with the offering. The ceremony was lovely. I was very amazed at how many people wanted to join the Followers of Aloysius. It was a happy crowd and there was plenty of food. Tables lined the walls covered from end to end with food. I’m thinking most of the people joined the Followers of Aloysius for the food. Who could blame them? It was a very harsh winter and food was scarce. You can’t stop the grapevine once it gets started. I doubt there is one person that doesn’t know what the followers of Aloysius are offering. It’s a shame that the seekers didn’t realize that they were getting ready to give part of themselves to be a follower. The moment they drank the drugged offering their lives would no longer be the same.

I was hoping Kate would be at the rally, but she wasn’t there. Tony, I ran into Lynette and Travis. We snuck off into a back room, had another drink of Gin, and discussed things that were happening at the Spurs Fort. I only drank a little sip this time. Tony wasn’t happy I drank the sip, but Lynette said the ritual couldn’t be broken. Lynette told me that Anna was watching Kate. Anna had her guards search everyone’s room at the Spurs Fort trying to figure out who had infiltrated the compound. Anna and her guards questioned everyone. As far as Lynette and Travis knew, Anna didn’t find anything.

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