Book 2 Journal Entry 124

Book 2 Journal Entry 124

Journal 124

I didn’t want Anna to recognize me. I pulled my hat down over my face. I kept sneaking quick peeks at Joshua. He looked different and I just couldn’t figure out why. It was bothering the heck out of me. It wasn’t the robes. It wasn’t the semi blank stare on his face. It wasn’t the missing cowboy hat. There was something else and then it hit me. Anna had cut Joshua’s long curly hair short. I blurted out the words “They cut his hair” louder than I should have. Everyone in the room looked my way. Tony said a few things under his breath that I’m not going to repeat, and he gave me the biggest pinch on the top of my hand.

We couldn’t run. The room was filled with people. The exits were on the other side of the room. I pulled my hat farther down over my face. I was hoping my outburst would only draw a moment’s attention and then forgotten. Unfortunately, Anna had recognized my voice. She said my name. I ignored her so she said my name again. Anna had her guards shuffle Tony and me to the front of the room.

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