Book 2 Journal Entry 122

Book 2 Journal Entry 122

Journal 122

We waited all day for Kate to return to Bear Country. I was beginning to think Anna caught her or someone else at the Spurs Fort and wouldn’t be returning. Kate, Lynette, Travis, and Pepper finally arrived in Bear Country just as the sun was beginning to go down and more snow was beginning to fall. Kate and her friends were in a rush. We had to hurry if we were going to make it back to the Spurs Fort before the evening rally. Tony and I quickly changed into the white clothes provided by Kate and bundled ourselves up against the cold. We practically ran all the way to the Spurs Fort.

Kate almost had a heart attack as we reached the Spurs Fort. She started swearing and cussing like a sailor. Backed against the cellar door was a truck. Several people were unloading the supplies from the truck into the cellar. I thought we were going to have to scrub our mission and come back on another day. Luckily, Lynette and Travis were quick thinkers. They suggested we tell the people who were unloading the truck Anna sent us to help. They were in a hurry to get things unloaded so they allowed us to help with no questions asked. After the truck was unloaded, we continued to sneak into the Fort through the cellar and then through the kitchen to the back stairs up to Kate’s room.

After a glass of gin to warm our bodies, we left for the rally. Gin tasted nasty but it did warm up my insides. The gin also made my nose feel funny and I couldn’t stop smiling. I also got giggles. Tony kept giving me stern looks.

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