Book 2 Journal Entry 121

Book 2 Journal Entry 121

Journal 121

We all have choices. Sometimes choices are easy and sometimes they are not. Sheriff Pete said several of the gang leaders from our gang association want to join the followers of Aloysius. How do you argue against a group of people who offer cures from sickness, food, and shelter to those in need? We are in one of the coldest winters I have seen in a long time. Life is hard especially since the meteors and the earthquakes. The followers of Aloysius are offering a chance of survival to those who would not survive on their own. The only thing they are currently asking for in return is a little worship. (Just a little worship.)

I have always had bad feelings about the followers of Aloysius. Something about them has always rubbed me the wrong way. Now that I know the followers of Aloysius manipulate people with drugs, I dislike the followers even more. Lisa and Tyson’s change in attitudes with life makes more sense now.

Kate said when the followers of Aloysius offered her gang help, she gladly accepted what they had to offer. Without Anna’s help, more people would have died from the flu. Kate is thankful for Anna’s help, but Anna and her fellow followers of Aloysius have taken over the Spurs Fort and made it their own. Except for Joshua, no one from the Spurs Fort is in any position of authority. Joshua is in his position because he is drugged and under the influence of Anna.

Kate wants to show us what is happening inside the Spurs Fort. We will have to be very sneaky. Kate said we could enter the fort through the cellar underneath the main house.

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