Book 2 Journal Entry 120

Book 2 Journal Entry 120

Journal 120

I was still in bed hiding from the cold when Kate and three of her friends stumbled through the front doors of Bear Country. They looked like beggars covered in blankets from head to toe. The guards covering the front doors tried to push them back outside. Poor Kate, out of desperation she started yelling my name. I sleepily stuck my head out from underneath my covers. I was thinking to myself that it better be a good reason if I must get out of my bed. It took me a few moments to figure out who exactly was calling my name. I pushed Tony over and sat up.

It took a couple of cups of hot chocolate water before Kate and her friends were thawed out enough to tell us about everything that was going on at the Spurs Fort. The Followers of Aloysius had totally taken over.

Kate was sure Joshua and most of her gang mates were under the influence of some sort of drug. Anna placed the drug in the drinks given during the ceremonies. I asked Kate if she had met this Aloysius person. I was curious about what he looked like. The answer was no but Anna was calling most of the shots at the Spurs Fort. Anna has a few key officers that help maintain order.

Kate said the Spurs Fort has been receiving supply shipments from an unknown destination. Food, computers, various equipment, and lumber filled the trucks. Anna has most of the people working on construction projects in and around the Spurs fort.

For reasons they couldn’t explain Lynette, Travis, Pepper and Kate remained unaffected by the drugs.



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