Book 2 Journal Entry 117

Book 2 Journal Entry 117

Journal 117

I feel so incredibly obsolete. I think I miss being a gang leader. I miss people coming to me and asking me for advice. I miss other gang leaders asking for my input on community situations. Sheriff Pete is doing a wonderful job as Bear Country’s gang leader. He is more organized than I ever was. I think Bear Country has benefited from Pete’s guidance. The people living inside of Bear Country elected Sheriff Pete to his post and he deserves my respect and support, but I still wish I were Bear Country’s leader.

Earlier today, several gang leaders from our gang association arrived at Bear Country to talk to Pete. It must have been a scheduled meeting because Sheriff Pete wasn’t surprised when the other gang leaders appeared on our doorstep. It was a private meeting. They didn’t invite me to attend. I tried to attend the meeting, but Pete pushed me aside. Pete said he would discuss the issues of the meeting later with everyone living inside of Bear Country. I didn’t want to hear what the meeting was about later. I wanted to hear about things firsthand. I vented my anger on Tony. Tony gave me no sympathy at all.

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