Book 2 Journal Entry 111

Book 2 Journal Entry 111

Journal 111

The snow is piling up outside. I spent the morning helping Pete, Jonas and several other people living inside of Bear Country gather wood. Our supply is dwindling very quickly. The colder it gets the more we would need to burn to keep the room at a decent temperature.

It won’t be long before we are going to have to find wood outside of Bear Country. I dread having to trample through the snow. Pete said we could find wood out at the old wood mill if other people haven’t cleared out the place already. There are also several local buildings damaged during the earthquakes and meteor showers where we could retrieve wood. We would have to be careful not to knock down any already unsteady walls.

I am hoping the weather decides to warm up soon. I haven’t bathed in nearly a week. It’s too cold to remove my clothes. There is no water coming out of any of our pipes. We must melt the snow for water to drink. Tony says the only thing that will stop the water shortage is warm weather.

Everyone in Bear Country listened to the radio most of the day. Tony placed the radio in the center of the room and turned it up very loud. I like the radio DJ. One of these days, I’m going to go to the station and find out exactly who he is. He sounds tall.

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