Book 2 Journal Entry 110

Book 2 Journal Entry 110

Journal 110

It is continuing to snow. It’s so frickin cold. I didn’t sleep well last night. Several people coughed and tried to hack up their lungs most of the night. Around three in the morning, my bladder forced me to get up and go to the bathroom. I avoided getting out of bed as long as possible, but my bladder was on the verge of exploding. I wrapped myself in a couple of blankets and walked up the stairs to the bathroom in the admin hallway. The bathroom was so cold that there was ice in a couple of sinks. Have you ever noticed that it is hard to go pee when the toilet seat is cold, and you are freezing?

On my way back to my bed in the front lobby, I saw Lisa and Tyson walking out the front doors of Bear Country. Lisa never follows the rules. The last thing I remember, we banned Tyson from entering Bear Country.

Then again, he has been a different person since joining the Followers of Aloysius. If he doesn’t cause any trouble, I guess I won’t say anything. Tyson and Lisa were going to an Aloysius meeting or gathering. I hope they didn’t have far to go because it looked like a blizzard outside.

We had a little excitement today. Tony and Victor managed to get a radio working. Someone is out there broadcasting music to the surrounding area. How cool is that?

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