Book 1 Journal Entry 95

Book 1 Journal Entry 95

Journal 95

I don’t have all the details of the mail war and this is only my recollection of what happened. The feuds between Gang USA and Gang UPS began small. At first, no one realized that there was even a problem. A couple of mail carriers had their mailbags stolen. This was one of the first efforts to keep the mail from delivery. Gang USA and Gang UPS responded by sending their mail carriers out in teams instead of single mail carriers. This declined the number of stolen mailbags.

It didn’t matter what side of Pass Road you were from, if you were a mail carrier people worshipped you.  People began to volunteer to be mail carriers. The more mail carriers there were the more location coverage. The leaders from both gang USA and gang UPS both set their goals to cover a majority of the surrounding areas. A few other gangs attempted to set up mail depots but they were put out of business. Rivals gangs burnt down their kiosks and the proprietor beaten to discourage mail delivery. The mail carrier occupation was suddenly an extremely dangerous job to hold. People began to take sides with either Gang USA or Gang UPS. Small bands of sympathizers set out to destroy the opposing gang’s mail carriers. Propaganda spread detailing the awful deeds of Gang USA and Gang UPS. Fights suddenly became commonplace over which gang was the actual victims in the mail war.

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