Book 1 Journal Entry 83

Book 1 Journal Entry 83

Journal 83

I should be thankful that I am in a pleasant situation. Mathias could have sold me to the scum of the earth. Yates has been a gentleman. He is a good father. He is second in command on this base, and he looks good in a uniform. So far, the only thing I can hold against him is that he bought me from a slave trader.

One of my friends has not been so lucky. Guards are holding Hemy in custody for beating up her new husband. I guess he wasn’t a gentleman. Yates said she beat him up pretty badly. I’m not surprised. I asked if I could go and visit her. Yates said he would try to arrange for that to happen later today.

I met Lisa, Emily, and Kate at the preschool. It was good to see them. They are doing fine considering their circumstances. Lisa and Kate look a little depressed, but Emily seems happy. I think she likes her new husband.  I passed on the information about Hemy. We all had a good laugh and then the conversation turned serious. The topic of our conversation was mainly about Bear Country and getting home.

Bear Country does not compare to this base. They have things here that we could only dream about. If I wasn’t homesick and if I didn’t have responsibilities to Bear Country, I could almost call this place home. I am making the best of my current situation, but I need to go home. I want to go back to the life I was living. I want to see my friends, all of my friends. I continue to hope that Matt, Jonas, Pete, Joshua, Tony, and Runt are all alive and well.

I am patiently waiting for Yates to return from his meeting with the Base Commander. He went there to discuss some issues about his sister. I am curious. What issue?

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