Book 1 Journal Entry 81

Book 1 Journal Entry 81

Journal 81

It has been a long and interesting day. It was midday before our buyers appeared. I felt like a dog in the pound. Luckily, the buyers found all of us acceptable. I only say the word “luckily” because if the boys are alive and if they are making plans to rescue us it would be better if we were all together in the same place.

We are all decent looking women, and I have to admit that Lisa is cute. Two of the men that arrived to retrieve us wanted to take Lisa as their wife. There were a couple of minutes of “I saw her first” and “why do you get first choice” but our buyers solved the problem with a round of rock, paper, and scissors. I hate that game. If I had been Lisa, I would have been very offended that the two men fighting over me didn’t participate in an actual dual to the death. I didn’t get that kind of drama. I got “I’ll take that one over there.”  There is something insulting about being chosen last even in a situation like this. If Yates had known I was about to cost him more than he had bargained for he would have chosen one of the other wives. My new husband didn’t seem as excited about this whole “I’m getting a new wife thing” as the other men. My first thought was “great, I get the moody, cranky one.”

I pleaded and begged Yates to pay for Aleece. There was a brief moment when I thought I might not get her back. Mathias said he had already promised the Shakers that they could have Aleece, but I think he was just trying to get Yates to pay more for her.  A couple of tears and a please and Aleece was mine again. I cried more the moment that she was in my arms.

The trip to our new home lasted a couple of hours. I think we headed west but I’m not sure.  We spent the entire time in the back of a truck with no windows. Our new home looks like a military installation surrounded by mountains on all sides. I’m thinking that there is only one way in and one way out. We must have passed through a tunnel toward the end of our journey because there were several minutes of darkness and then it got light again.  I want to go home but it looks like escaping from here is going to be a difficult challenge.

Yates has actually been very kind. Our new home is small but comfortable.

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