Book 1 Journal Entry 78

Book 1 Journal Entry 78

Journal 78

I think the fresh air does something to people’s minds. Matt and Hemy have decided to marry. I am not surprised because they are always together, and they spend every waking hour in each other’s arms. It must be an amazing feeling to be in love. We don’t live under the same rules and restrictions that our parents lived under. A marriage certificate was required back then. A legal document signed. Today you can just make a verbal commitment to each other and continue with life. There is something special about saying to someone “Will you spend the rest of your life with me?” We still hold ceremonies. Sometimes they are elaborate and sometimes they are simple.

We spent the day gathering flowers and decorating the campsite. A nice meal has been prepared. Hemy is pacing in the next room, rehearsing what she is going to say to Matt in her promise and Matt is next door probably doing the exact same thing. Keeping those two apart for a few hours was a challenge but we did it. I have written a wedding speech to the both of them. It’s somewhat ironic because I have never been in love. (I think I know what love is). Shortly, the ceremony will start and Matt and Hemy will promise to love each other forever.

When Matt and Hemy asked me to write this speech, my first response was to say “No”. Get someone else to write it. I am not qualified. I did a little soul searching and I have experienced love and commitment. I think we all have. I loved my parents and to some degree, I love all of my friends. Little Aleece shows me love every time she blows one of those bubble raspberries. (It’s cute you should really see it.).

We all have commitment to something. As the leader of Bear Country, I have been charged with making sure that our gang remains a viable and productive part of society. I have never experienced true romantic love or known the unspoken commitment that love of that magnitude brings. I was going to try to define love for everyone here today, but “Love” is a personal thing between two people. Only Matt and Hemy can define their Love. I hope that the love that the two of you share lasts forever. Let this day, this ceremony, be a reminder of your commitment to love each other in good times and in bad. Matt and Hemy have written their own vows to each other and have asked us here today to witness this joyous occasion. (Insert their vows here.)

I have written and rewritten. It’s not a long speech but I think it will be satisfactory.

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