Book 1 Journal Entry 77

Book 1 Journal Entry 77

Journal 77

When I was small, my dad introduced me to the pinecone people and their little villages. I think it was his way of keeping me occupied when he and my mom were trying to recuperate from the day’s activities. It worked because I was busy. You can do a great deal with pinecones. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. I made people and I built cities.

This morning after breakfast, I was showing Runt and Aleece the Pine Cone people. Tony walks up behind me and kisses me on the cheek. I didn’t object to the kiss. It was just a little unexpected. I said, “Good morning.” and then Tony said “Good morning.”  I asked Tony if he had plans for the day. He said he was going to go exploring with Runt and asked me if I wanted to go along. I declined because the girls and I already made plans. That kiss on the cheek has been on my mind all day. It was probably one of those, life is good, I am having a good day kiss. One of those moments when you are just glad to be alive and you need to show it by kissing someone on the cheek. Anyone in the vicinity and I was that person. He probably would have kissed Lisa, Emily, or Kate if they were sitting there.

The girls and I discussed kissing today. We discussed the different types of kisses and their meanings. Apparently, you shouldn’t get excited about a kiss on the cheek.  If it’s nothing to get excited about then why is it still on my mind?

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