Book 1 Journal Entry 63
Journal 63
It’s a cloudy day and the temperature has significantly dropped since yesterday. I hate cloudy days. Joshua just left. He dropped by to apologize and to let me know there haven’t been any more raids on his cattle. He is worried about the weather. The cattle will be moved to a safer location. He was in a rush.
Emily dropped by my room to see Aleece. I think she wants to be my friend. I would like to be hers, although I have already started our relationship with a lie. I have been trying to figure out the best way to tell her that Aleece isn’t mine without sounding childish. The day at the park, I was pretending Aleece was mine because I honestly didn’t think I would ever see Emily again. I thought our meeting was just something that happened. Remember how I said that “Lost” barked at Father. She doesn’t bark at Emily. I think “Lost” likes her.
The wind is picking up. It looks so gloomy outside. I hate bad weather. This building serves as a storm shelter. People around Bear Country know to come here if things get very bad. I hope that opening our doors to the local gangs isn’t necessary because the last time we had a bad storm lasted for several days. People get cranky when they become confined, and food always becomes an issue because no one remembers to bring any. The residents of Bear Country begin to get cranky and irritable when the guests don’t follow the rules.