Book 1 Journal Entry 53

Book 1 Journal Entry 53

Journal 53

Aleece and I spent the whole day together. Lisa had things to do. Motherhood was beginning to weigh heavily on her. She made plans to spend the whole day practicing with her band. Its ok I don’t mind. Little Aleece and I were headed toward town to buy her some new clothes. If I was going to play mom, I thought it would be a fun idea to buy her some outfits that I like. We still haven’t heard anything from Casey. I guess she had many things on her mind that she needed to clear up. For Aleece’s sake, I hope she comes home soon.

On our way out of Bear Country Aleece, Lost and I ran into Tony and Runt. We exchanged hellos and then Tony asked if he and the Runt could join us. Apparently, they didn’t have any plans for the day. Tony said there was a new arcade in town. He thought it would be fun if we stopped by there after shopping for Aleece.

Have you ever noticed that when you are shopping for something in particular you can’t find the item? This seems to happen to me a lot. Anyway, we went from kiosk to kiosk looking for cute outfits that would fit Aleece. No one had any until we ran into Shanna’s Scraps to Clothes Boutique. This stuff was so cute. It was colorful. It was unique. Shanna makes all the clothes herself. She has talent. What is even more special is that no one has worn this stuff. You can sometimes find stuff like that on the market but not often. Aleece now has several new outfits. She is now the best-dressed baby in Bear Country.

We finished our shopping and headed toward this new arcade. I was excited and hungry. Runt was jumping all over the place he was so excited. Tony said he knew the proprietor. They were friends from long ago. The arcades owner was a young man named Hyatt. I recognized him from our school days. Hyatt and Tony knew each other well. They shook hands, hugged, and gave each other pats on the back. Hyatt sat us at a nice table, fed us and then gave us free tokens to play in the arcade. Runt had a wonderful time. I had a wonderful time. I think Aleece liked seeing all the pretty colors flashing around. She only got cranky once so Tony took her from me and made her happy again. It was so nice of Tony to invite Aleece and me to the arcade. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Even the festival wasn’t this much fun.  It was late by the time we got back to Bear Country. Even little Lost had a good day. She is a funny little dog.

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