Book 1 Journal Entry 52

Book 1 Journal Entry 52

Journal 52

Joshua and I stood there in front of the leader’s tent. I was thinking to myself “Take me to your leader.” Joshua looked; well, he looked a little upset. I don’t think he enjoyed our little indoctrination.

We only stood there a moment when Father himself stepped out of the tent. He was quiet and calm. I hate it when people pretend as if they are at peace with the world. (I need to remind myself not to role my eyes at people when I find them annoying.)  Father asked if he could help us with anything. Before I had the chance to answer Joshua poked his gun into Father’s nose. This time I was annoyed with Joshua because you can’t just poke guns into people’s noses and expect them to cooperate.  I told Joshua to put his gun away. He ignored me. I demanded he put his gun away. Father said in a calm voice, “We are a peaceful community. We are not here to cause trouble.” He asked Joshua to put his gun away and invited us into his tent. Joshua complied with the request, but you could see that he was not happy with having to put his gun back into its holster.

It was a nice tent. I won’t go into detail about the whole conversation.  Joshua accused and Father denied. I tried to stay neutral and keep Joshua from displaying violent tendencies and I tried not to roll my eyes too many times. Father assured us that his community had nothing to do with the cattle disturbances. I am not sure I believe him, and I am certain that Joshua doesn’t believe him.

We said our goodbyes and left. Joshua said almost nothing the whole way back to Bear Country. He plans to watch this community closely. I plan to have my people watch them also. I don’t trust this new community leader in town. Something disturbs me. Besides the annoying calm demeanor, I don’t like something. He looks so innocent, like the boy next door, but I am thinking I shouldn’t turn my back on him.

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