Book 1 Journal Entry 43

Book 1 Journal Entry 43

Journal 43

Sometimes we have to make hard decisions. I overheard Matt and Hemy arguing about their living arrangements. I wasn’t trying to ease the drop, but their discussion wasn’t a quiet one.  Matt wants Hemy to move into Bear Country and Hemy wants Matt to move into Central. Hemy doesn’t want to give up her position as gang leader. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to give up being a gang leader either.  I am hoping they can come to some sort of neutral ground. They are the cutest couple, and they seem so happy. At least they seemed happy before their loud discussion earlier.

I am going out on a date with Joshua. He promises this date won’t involve square dancing or roping cattle. I don’t have anything against those things, but they are not in my top ten favorite things to do.

Speaking about roping cattle, apparently Pete and Jonas are getting very good at it.  Joshua said they are a quick study. They both have stopped falling off their horses. Both boys have cut their bruise count in half.

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