Book 1 Journal Entry 32

Book 1 Journal Entry 32

Journal 32

Preparations for the festival continue. The backfield of Bear Country is a live with activity as the different gangs put up their booths. I think that this year’s festival is going to be great especially after everything that has happened recently.

Hemy dropped by today to see Matt and she brought back the fuel that was stolen from us by the Hulk. She said she was trying to return everything that the Hulk and his goons stole from the other gangs. I tried to tell her that she doesn’t need to make amends for what the Hulk did. She said she did.

I invited Central to the festival. There isn’t a reason why they shouldn’t be able to attend. It is a little late to prepare a Central booth, so I told Hemy to make sure everyone who wants to enjoy the festivities comes to the party.

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