Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Journal 21

Matt sent a message to me. He is inside the Central campus, and it sounds like he is doing fine. He apologized to Jonas for the eye punch. Apparently, Matt lost his balance on the last blow. Matt has access to most of the Central campus, but a couple of the areas are heavily guarded. Matt has located the Runt and the other lost boys. The boys are slaves forced to do the Hulks bidding. The goons keep the boys in cages most of the day. The Hulk’s goons force the boys to fight in the arena for amusement.

Wrestling seems to be very big on the Central campus. People are continuously challenging each other to duals. Matt has been able to avoid being challenged because he is currently not considered a threat, the higher the rank the more privileges you have and the better food you eat. Matt hopes to be home soon.

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