Book 1 Journal Entry 18

Book 1 Journal Entry 18

Journal 18

There are days and then there are days. Matt and Jonas fought at the plaza today. It was awful. Both boys were injured. They both had bloody lips, cuts, and bruises. A couple of venders are going to have to rebuild after Matt and Jonas crashed through their kiosks. It didn’t take long for a crowd to develop. People began to cheer for one or the other. It always annoys me that people encourage fights. You would think that the proper thing to do would be to stop the fight but not in this town. Anyway, as the fight grew in intensity a couple of the Hulk’s goons from the Central campus arrived. They just stood back and watched. I am not surprised. The fight ended as Matt pinned Jonas on the pavement. Some words exchanged that I would rather not repeat. Then Matt released Jonas and stood up. Jonas struggled to his feet. He yelled at his brother that they were no longer brothers. I wanted to cry. After the show, the crowd dispersed as quickly as it formed except for the Central goons. They were interested in Matt. I wasn’t close enough to hear the conversation, but Matt left with the enemy.

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