Book 1 Journal Entry 164

Book 1 Journal Entry 164

Journal 164

Please excuse the crooked writing of this Journal. It’s hard to write in a truck that consistently hits every pothole in the road. It was a lovely meal. Yates and I had a nice talk at dinner last night. He had a list of things we were going to do when we returned to Fort Shasta. It all sounded so wonderful. I made up my mind that I was going with him. I need stability and a life that is not so complicated. I can have that at Fort Shasta with Yates. There will be no more worrying about enemies taking over my home. I look forward to not having to make difficult complicated decisions of survival.

I packed my things and let my friends know I was leaving everyone except Tony. I couldn’t find him.  I wish I could have talked to him one more time. I left a letter on his bed in the basement. My heart hurts because I didn’t get to say goodbye to him. I stalled the convoy leaving as long as I could. Yates was beginning to get irritated with me. I kept running back into Bear Country to get something to take on my journey. I hate saying goodbyes, but it would have been nice if I could have said goodbye. I wanted to give Tony a hug.

I left a note with Lisa to give to Casey in case she returns to Bear Country with Aleece. Pete promised me they would elect a new gang leader in a few days. I suggested he run for the position.

I think one of my longest goodbyes was to Joshua of the Spurs. Joshua is a wonderful leader and a great friend. I have not known Joshua for very long, but he was always there when I needed to talk to someone. Joshua gave Yates and me a bottle of wine to take on our journey. He wished us luck and happiness. I promised Joshua I would send the occasional letter to let him know how I was doing. He said he would write in return.


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