Book 1 Journal Entry 132

Book 1 Journal Entry 132

Journal 132

You’ll be glad to know that Hess of the Blue Monarchs is alive and well. I guess this is a good thing. I’m not sure anymore.  She no longer dresses in her usual kimonos. Instead, she was dressed in fatigues. She tied her hair up in a ponytail. Her personality has changed too. She lost the “Let’s all live in peace” attitude. I think she has gone over to the dark side of the force.

Hess invited me to another secret meeting. It was the same drill as before including the blindfold to the undisclosed location. Hess scolded all of us for not making more of an effort to get rid of the Black Cobras. Apparently, our laziness, indifference and unsupporting allegiance to the cause have allowed the Cobras to thrive in our community. The Blue Monarchs gave us a new list of tasks to perform against the Cobras, which included capturing as many Black Cobras as possible and delivering them to a holding area. The Blue Monarchs would take care of them from there. Hess said our time of playing nice is over. I tried to talk to Hess after the meeting, but she wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say. She looked at me straight in the eye and said, “You have been given your responsibilities.” In a little snippy voice, she adds, “Try to follow through this time.”

Before I could reply, she adds, “If you need anything else talk to one of my admin officers.” Then she walked out of the room. “What the (insert dirty word/s here).” The girl has gone over the edge. I have my doubts about her sanity. She is not the person I knew during the mail war.

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