Book 1 Journal Entry 118

Book 1 Journal Entry 118

Journal 118

I was so exhausted by the time I made it back to my room I couldn’t bring myself to write in my journal. It was an interesting day yesterday. Interesting is probably not the best word to use but now I can’t think of anything else. I woke up early so that I could attend the rally that I heard was going to happen. I was hoping to talk to Hess before things got too wild and crazy. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I couldn’t find Hess. I saw several Blue Monarchs. I even spoke to a few of them but they weren’t giving up any information on how I could locate Hess. They kept saying she would be here. It was frustrating.

The Black Cobras are increasing in numbers and their hold on the people in town is increasing. Several buildings in town had signs on the doors announcing change of management. This is not a good thing. I was walking thru town and saw someone wearing a Black Cobra patch. At first, I thought allies were advertising their association with the Black Cobras, and then I noticed several people were wearing them. After a little research, I discovered that you have to have a patch to enter a building under Black Cobra management.

The rally did not go well. It turned violent quickly. A group of Black Cobra guards surrounded us and demanded we stop the rally. We objected and the fight began. Most people attending the rally did not bring weapons the Cobras were all armed. It wasn’t a fair fight. I have an enormous bruise on my left arm. Someone hit me with a stick. My arm is not broken but at first, I thought it was. I couldn’t fight after that. More Black Cobras arrived and their leader stopped the fight. The Cobra leader asked us to go home or they would take us into custody. We went home.

After the rally, I went to the jail to see Tony and Sheriff Pete. I was hoping they could help me with my arm. To my surprise, the Black Cobras took over the jail. I couldn’t find Tony. The Cobras locked Pete in one of the cells with a couple of his deputies. Victor was not in a cell but he seemed to be very comfortable talking to the new jailers. He has gone over to the other side. I asked for Pete’s release. They denied my request. I begged and pleaded and spent a couple of hours of kissing Black Cobra butt (i.e., making coffee, refilling cups, sweeping, taking out the garbage and washing windows) Pete was released from his jail cell. I wouldn’t normally have gone thru the trouble but Pete is a very valuable member of Bear Country.

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