Book 1 Journal Entry 110

Book 1 Journal Entry 110

Journal 110

Aleece is asleep. I have been sitting at my desk for more than hour thinking about Tony and Runt (Victor). I’m not sure when I jumped over the line from being a child to thinking I was grown. If my parents were alive, they would still consider me a child. My parents would expect me to live by and follow their rules. My parents aren’t alive, and I set my own rules. I live my life the way I want.

Victor wants to live by his own rules. He wants to live his life the way he wants to. Tony believes that he has the responsibility to make sure that Victor grows up to lead a happy healthy life. Victor is still a little boy. He still hasn’t reached his teenage years. Tony has established a set of rules for Victor to follow and until recently Victor hasn’t had much of a problem following those rules. Victor has become extremely defiant. Tony has his hands full. I am not certain if Tony is going to be able to control Victor for much longer. Moreover, technically, there is nothing forcing Victor to follow Tony’s rule. There is no family connection, not a real one.

Victor snuck out of the basement and went to the Black Cobras. Tony caught up to him before he actually had the opportunity to enter the Black Cobras gang building. Luckily, the line to get in was extremely long. Tony drugged Victor back to Bear Country kicking and screaming. It was not a pretty site. I haven’t been to the basement, but I have a feeling Tony has tied Victor to a chair or some stable object.

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