Book 1 Journal Entry 106

Book 1 Journal Entry 106

Journal 106

Casey returned to Bear Country sometime in the middle of the night. She didn’t even drop in my room to get Aleece.  On the way down to breakfast, Aleece and I stopped by Casey’s room. Casey was sleeping on her bed, still in her clothes. She looked as if she had crawled thru a swamp. For a brief moment, I thought of waking her up. A large pitcher of ice water would do it. I changed my mind; I didn’t want Aleece to see me yell at her mom.

Down at breakfast Aleece and I ran into Tony and Runt. Tony was making pancakes. I asked him “what was the occasion.” He said he was just in the mood. At breakfast, the Runt informed us he wants to be called, “Victor”. Tony and I looked at each other. I want sure what to say. I asked Runt why Victor. He said it was what his brother used to call him. I didn’t even know Runt had a brother and apparently neither did Tony. The both of us, in unison said, “You have a brother?” Runt (Victor) said he had a big brother named Price and that he was part of a bike gang called the Devils of Lancaster. Victor said his brother was going to come back for him. His brother would initiate him into the gang when he got bigger. Tony found Runt on our doorstep dirty and hungry. He had no idea that Runt was abandoned at Bear Country by his big brother. I had no idea. Another mystery solved.

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